So where did we go wrong?

was it the children killed, again, after we thought we’d get the killing of innocent children done? was it the fact that we had nothing to look for in Beitt Hanoun in the first place? was it the fact that the Israeli army looks for violence now to forget his losses in the last war? or is it just Israel acting as the standard pain in the arse?

When i voted for Peretz, i did so with a belief that he will bring the change, the social change in Israel, and the humanity he had shown. the reason was that he respected human rights. So what did he do now? he chose to say that only Major-Generals are allowed to give the order to bomb, is that smart?

Maybe, but only maybe, we can get this over with. It’s the usual circle of death: Gaza, Sderot and then Gaza again. can the death of 18 justify the injury of 3 Israelies?

Now on personal matters, I’ve got Tinnitus apparently, can’t get this ringing in my ear out, i can’t sleep, can’t think straight and can’t do anything right. maybe writing will make it go away, like it always did?

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