It seems that those who were astonished, abhorred, enraged or outraged from finding out that the National Security Agency (NSA) tracked millions of united states citizens and did so with the cooperati...Read More
0. Israel is to attempt, again, to pass a bill that authorizes police officers to issue warrants to Internet service providers to block or restrict access to specific websites involved either in gambl...Read More
0. Abstract. [This Wednesday I shall lecture at the LiSS working group conference, here is a draft of my lecture] From 2003, and until today, the Israeli Government has been working diligently in orde...Read More
A rumor was spread that Israel was the brain behind an elaborate trojan horse, Stuxnet, which alegedly penetrated into the Iranian nuclear reactor and apparently caused damage. the trojan horse contam...Read More
The US Supreme court decision in 08-769 United States v. Stevens 559 U.S. ___ (2010) (via Balkinization) may shed light on additional issues regarding free speech. Stevens, was more than any other thi...Read More
0. No matter what, at this moment all the Israeli legal community knows that someone, somewhere in the internet, called Rami Mor a quack. 1. The supreme court’s decision in RCA 4447/07 Rami Mor ...Read More
After a few weeks of work, and many comments from various open source enthusiasts, we (Hamakor) filed our memorandum today in response to the Israeli Patent Authority’s call for submissions (mor...Read More
0. We lost the skyline. The parliament approved yesterday Meir Sheetrit‘s proposal to establish a biometric database. After a few months of delay, including endless discussions in parliament try...Read More
0. Never rely on a machine and never trust it: The Israeli Labour Party’s primary elections were cancelled due to malfunctions in voting machines. The voting machines were mere PC computers link...Read More
0. Sometimes, when discussing the US-Israeli relations, we need to see the broader picture. Things like the Palestinian conflict are just a minor issue in relation to the economy. As most of the Engli...Read More