May 27, 2002

Hi all again,

Well, i see no one was able to help me in writing the newsletter, so
i`ll do it myself.

This week was hectic, I woke up this sunday and had a long day until
friday morning. _BUT_ i have good news.

MY LIFE GOT BETTER - when i found out the following things
(1) The whole family thing is a conspiracy, there is no actual reason
for living in couples, it's all a conspiracy since noah's arc, do you
think that it really was like that? well you don't really have to be in couples to be complete. think about it, the right family model is not really in couples, there could be quadruples and quintuplets and what ever, and it doesn't really have to be a man and a woman. think about it, please do. this got me thinking and i found out that i don't really need a life mate to be happy.
(2) Microsoft is actually taking over _YOUR_ life (to all the hotmail
subscribers) think about it, if Windows NT stood for new Technology, .NET stands for New EVIL (or as amir says EVILLE) Technology, think about it - they can read your mind, they know your friends and your deepest feelings. leave microsoft.
(3) Student Day - We have our proud student day this thursday, everyone that's in israel is invited to come, it will be fun.
(4) Amir is leaving us soon to the land down under - everyone pitch in some dough so we can buy something
(5) Next week I'm going to lovely italy (on the taxpayer's money) i
don't know how, but never mind. if you need something - (Meir - Pasta
for your girl please notify me
(6) What went on last week - actually nothing. but

Love you all,

May 22, 2002

Well Guys, I Decided To write a newsletter to everyone, wherever they
may be. i`d appreciate it if you'd help me in the graphic design etc. etc.

Well, I was on a trip to the Golan Heights with Amir, Shaya, Itai and
Maya [Not my ex, whether the 16 year old] - Shani Joined later.

We sat in a secluded place with no one around for miles and miles. later people came by and left [it seems that many people know this place, however they all remember it as `no man's land' and left as soon as they saw us. a few people stayed but really far from us, in the first morning we went trekking up the river's stream and had real fun, if felt like old times when we had nothing to worry about.
on friday night, after a day and a half, Shani called me and said that she's in Shantipi and has no way to come and asked me to come and pick her up. well i drove from our camp on the Jordan River (near
the Yehudia) to Ganei Huga (near Beit Shean) to pick her up, fucking 60 km each way. well, a 16 year old girl doesn't comprehend the fact that both of these places are up north but are distant like Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. so never mind, an hour and a half later we were back in camp.

let's move to administration and management:
1. to start a newsletter i need each of you to write a paragraph with a summary of something that happened to you in the last fortnight [two week]
2. images or something [small in size - 10k Each]
3. graphic design etc.
4. news and upcoming events.
5. tell me if i forgot someone's mail

And Now - I wish all of you to leave microsoft's demonic service called Hotmail, in order to do that i offer you all addresses at, or open an account at or something - hotmail is evil. please please please, i already compromised and didn't eat you even that most of you follow that 'I'm stronger than cows i can eat them rule' and others, microsoft is collecting important information regarding you in order to use it when they start their world domination. DEATH TO .NET! DEATH TO MSN, HOTMAIL and others, long live the free code and the free spirit of the human race.

Upcoming Events:
30/5 - Yom Hastudent in my college. Berry Shakarof, Hemi Rudner and
Muki D. beer and stuff.

See you,
Jonathan J. Klinger

- Written Proudly in Netscape Mail -

May 16, 2002

3 ג'וליה

ג'וליה היתה ילדה יפה, ואני הייתי בן חמש עשרה, או לפחות ככה הרגשתי, כמו כולם לידה. קשה היה להתנהג בוגר ליד ילדה יפה כל-כך, שכולם מחזרים אחריה..... לה לא הפריע שיצאתי באותו זמן עם חברה הכי טובה שלה, ולי זה לא הפריע גם כן. לחברה שלי זה כן....

אבל זה קורה לכל מי שיוצא עם דנה, היא מסתובבת ליד ג'וליה ואז כל הבחורים מתאהבים בה, זה ממש קשה, ודנה לא הבינה את זה....

לי היתה תוכנית אחרת, אני רציתי את שתיהן, לא יכולתי לוותר על היחס החם מדנה, ולא יכולתי להחזיק את הרצון העז שלי להיות עם ג'וליה. הלכתי לדנה ושאלתי אותה איך היא תרגיש אם אני אהיה עם ג'וליה, והיא נעלבה, היא לא רצתה לדבר איתי יותר. הסתבר לי שזה לא הפעם הראשונה שזה קורה, גם החבר הקודם שלה רצה להיות עם ג'וליה ושאל אותה, אבל הוא רצה משהו אחר, הוא רצה את שתיהן יחד. דנה סרבה, ג'וליה לא.

הלכתי לדבר עם ג'וליה, כדי להשכיח את צערי בשיחה ענוגה, וככל שדיברנו יותר ויותר כך הסתבר לי כי עשיתי טעות. בעצם ג'וליה לא תהיה מעוניינת בי אף-פעם, לג'וליה יש שוני קטן מרוב הנשים. היא נמשכת אליהן.... דנה לא ידעה ולא הבינה את זה, אבל ג'וליה היתה מאוהבת בדנה מאז כיתה ז' ולכן הסכימה לכל הדרישות המוגזמות שלה לגבי יציאה לכל מני מקומות מוזרים.

החלטתי לעשות את הדבר ההגיוני היחיד שיש לעשות, לסדר בין ג'וליה לדנה, להשקיט את הסביבה וכך גם לזכות בדנה בחזרה, הייתי צריך לדאוג לאהובתי (ולבחורה שרציתי כל כך להשכיב)

הלכתי לביתה של דנה וצלצתי בפעמון דלתה, הנחתי שזו הדרך היחידה בה אני אקבל תשובה. אמה ענתה לדלת ואמרה שהיא בחדר, בוכה; נכנסתי לחדרה בלי לדפוק על הדלת כי ידעתי שהיא לא תסכים להכניס אותי עם יהיה זה אני.

דנה שכבה במיטתה תחת שמכת פוך, כשהיה זה נראה כאילו יש שם עוד אדם, כאילו היא לא לבד בכלל וגם לא בוכה. משכתי במהירות את השמיכה ונדהמתי.

תחת השמיכה היו שני בני אדם, ג'וליה ועוד מישהו שאיני מכיר, לימים הסתבר לי כי היה זה ידיד של ג'וליה שהיא מכניסה לכל הסיפורים האלה כי הוא רוצה אותה והיא רוצה את דנה, וככה הם מתארגנים.

נעלתי את הדלת אחרי והצטרפתי. לא יכלתי שלא, גם ג'וליה, גם דנה וגם ביחד.

נשבעתי שלא לדבר על זה לעולם.

מאז אותו ערב לא ראיתי את ג'וליה, לא ראיתי את דנה ולא את הבחור. אולי בעצם עד היום.

קמתי היום בבוקר רענן וצונן, יום חורף גשום וקר של אוגוסט. הלכתי והבאתי את עיתון הבוקר שלי, וכרגיל התחלתי במודעות האבל, ג'וליה התאבדה. הייתי חייב ללכת להלוויה לברר למה.

לבשתי את מיטב בגדי השחורים ונכנסתי לאוטו כדי להגיע לבית הקברות בזמן, לאחר שעתיים של פקקים הגעתי. דנה היתה שם, לבושה כמו אלמנה שאיבדה את יקירה, וגם הבחור, שלא ידעתי את שמו, וכנראה לעולם לא אדע. איש לא התייחס אליו, הוא רק עמד שם ובכה.

ניגשתי אל דנה ושאלתי לשלומה, היא פנתה הרחק ממני ולא הסכימה לדבר איתי.

אחד האבלים אמר לי שגם לה יש איידס והיא לא רוצה לדבר עם אף אחד שהיא שכבה איתו כי היא מפחדת להודיע לו שגם הוא נדבק.

ברחתי במהירות האפשרית לבית החולים הקרוב להבדק.

אולי בעצם אין פואנטה לסיפור הזה. אבל אין לי איידס, אני מאושר, זה מה שחשוב.

May 11, 2002

It's been a hell of a week in school and etc., however i survived.....
last friday we had a pool party at my grandparents, well, they were in london and we were there, i don't know where i would choose if i had the option. Ayelet took pictures, i`ll send you some later. oran is kind of dating someone on a non-comitting, sex only relationship. and me, as usual, nothing new and/or interesting. it's friday night and nobody wants to go out. tomorrow I'm going on a jeep trip to the golan heights, and then back to school.
In the end i can't go to berlin and amsterdam, i have to stay and study here, we have summer courses to take now so i would be free on my last year.... never mind. Student day is coming and that's my only hope to get something interesting with my sex life. i don't know what my fucking problem is. i decided after you hot fan mail (especially Schwartz and Liran) to ignore her and put her on my ignore list on my cellular.

Action items:
(1) Schwartz - you gave me your phone #, is it a cellular? if so can you read SMS??; as you see, when you get here i`ll be in school, never mind, there's always next year. or maybe you can come with me later to amsterdam
(2) Liran - when will you be in NY? i need to contact Mark
(3) Saar - don't feel bad, i enclose a english-english dictionary - i call it MiniMe....... there's always something when you get back
(4) Yoav - well, Godspeed, Vya Con Dios.
(5) Liran - i might live in an eutopic world but everyone is okay, hope to see you all.

My Summer Semester ends on September 20th (after the tests) and i have until October 10th, so maybe, maybe i'll get to amsterdam. the promised land. Robbie is kind of down, he broke up with his girl and now alls bad. and Karen broke up with Noa as well (it was a long time ago, but I'm not sure any of you knew that) (actually yoav and saar were still here when it happened, I'm stupid).
I'm at home by the computer listening to porcupine tree, i`ll be putting on a film in a while and go to bed.

'Alone but not lonely, you and me' - The Asphalt World, Suede (1994)
Best wishes and Godspeed
Juan Jose Klinjer

May 02, 2002

This goes out to all of my homies abroad, i figured out that since you have little time and write a collective one every once-in-a-while, i can do that too. thou shan't be worried; i`ll write a personal one as well....

Hi -
I'm sorry that i had no time to write, you see, i have a terrible time in school; it's my midterms and in one week i had to face 3 tests. Yesterday was `Lag-Ba-Omer' and we had a fire like the old times. we got two girls to kiss Oran, it was a challenge in a long and enduring 'I never' game, and although they were sixteen i think it's the first time in a while that he felt the scent of a woman, amir took pictures so we can all have fun...... besides that, it felt like home again, it was nice hearing from schwartz yesterday (10x 10x 10x) - i know he's the only one of you able to call, since he's near a civilization.
well - the important part, regarding me.......
this goes to you, please don't forward it to the people in israel, most of them don't know. i can be more open with you regarding this since i don't have to face you guys every day.....

last week i received a SMS from my myth (apparently) ex, ****....
it said "I'm sorry for what I've ever done to you....blah blah blah blah" and i just didn't get why she wrote that, i replied in order to see what she wanted and the conversation went in directions i did not like... it got to a point she asked me what should she do to make me forgive her, so i decided i need to be a better person, the mature one.
i told her all she needed to do is to volunteer in the youth center i volunteer (not on my days) in order get more in touch with the community and become a better person. i gave her phone to Naomi (the person running this center) and she called her.
last sunday she came to the center, Naomi (who knows ***** also because i introduced them while we were going out) told me yesterday that they are so the same (like you all said - except liran, anyway, who said that ***** is much cuter) and said that she'll be coming now once a week and help with the kids. now to my problem - - -
I don't feel forgiveful, i don't want to.
but the real thing that's haunting me is that i know that she's not doing it with bone fide (good faith) and i know that I'm not doing it with bone fide, i did this so i could be the one who has the cards in his hands now, the one who could tell her what to do,
for the first time in a long time (and possibly in my adult life) i did something I'm not quite proud of.

back to business -
Meir came back from the army after a month or so, amir is unemployed, oran is still a virgin.
Coch went to south america, if anyone knows his mail (and also yoav) send it to me.

and moving on to the personal stuff:

1. we all mourn for Lane Stanley, hoping that music will thrive anyway and hoping we can all keep memory of him and his music alive.
2. Zabar, Robbie and I are going to Amsterdam around mid august, with a short visit to berlin. if anyone of you is planning his return around these dates, i`d appreciate if you could go through amsterdam so we could meet there and chill out for a couple of days.
3. don't forget - ICQLite.

Best wishes,

Missing you all.