0. [Preamble: During the last week, the Israeli Hebrew blogosphere has been babbling for and against the war. Though Shooky has been able to find around 80 bloggers against the war, the vast majority ...Read More
0. Never rely on a machine and never trust it: The Israeli Labour Party’s primary elections were cancelled due to malfunctions in voting machines. The voting machines were mere PC computers link...Read More
[Again, most court decisions lead to Hebrew links, sorry, originally posted in Hebrew] A Kentucky Court ordered, in a wrong and misunderstood decision, to forefeit one hundred and forty one domains wh...Read More
0. Sometimes, when discussing the US-Israeli relations, we need to see the broader picture. Things like the Palestinian conflict are just a minor issue in relation to the economy. As most of the Engli...Read More
Jeff Ooi, a Malaysian Blogger was elected to parliament after he succeeded to raise sufficient funds for his campaign through his blog. While being elected after a 12 day campaign is one of the greate...Read More
The kidnapped soldiers Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser came home in a coffin. not that it wasn’t expected or something, but the real question is when did the state of Israel stopped telling the ...Read More
[Also in Hebrew] 0. “You acknowledge and agree that Facebook may at any time in its sole discretion, without liability, with or without cause and with or without notice: (a) terminate this Agree...Read More
“So? You’ve won” I was told today when the minister of telecommunications, Ariel Atias, notified that he will submit a “Softer” version of the Israeli Censorship act. The...Read More
Hon. Judge Hanan Ephrati in C 1152/08 State v. Haim Nissim raised a few legal issues which weren’t even mentioned in the 3 page decision, not even in the brief opinion [Hebrew] by Adv. Aviv Eylo...Read More
In theory, there’s no difference between prohibiting an Avatar to have sexual experiences with a person and paying your word processor minimum wage; Think about it as you read this post: Today, ...Read More