May 24, 2003

** Do Not Delete This Mail** it has relevant information that might get you a handful of money!!!

This Week On The Newsletter:
1. A Long Needed Happiness
2. Happiness Is A Warm Gun
3. Pastoralic Noon
4. Its The End Of The
5. The Coolest Party Of The Year
6. Mental Notes

A Long Needed Happiness
After a long time that i had not felt this feeling, i suddenly felt happy yesterday. it all began around wednesday, when i was sitting with Ron at the Yam-Bar and sipping beer, and we talked a-lot, and then i decided i need to re-start meditating, so i made up my mind and started meditating every morning for half an hour. yes, i know, it's only been two days, but already i feel better, and the world treats me better. so this newsletter is not going to be as grumpy as usual, please bear with me.

Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Or so the beatles said a few decades ago, but I'm not going to let it get to me, i will not turn my happiness into something different. I started thinking about re-routing my happiness for good deeds to do, well, and if you have any ideas of what i can do as a happy person, you are more than welcome to submit them to the staff ([email protected]).

Pastoralic Noon
Wednesday was a good day indeed, not only my new resolutions, i got to school an hour early, and on my way to park the car, a freshman that i know came close and said something like "hello" so i took her out with me for coffee, and still made it in time for class. after talking to her about her life, i realized how full life can be, and how empty your life can be when you are not creative (if you didn't get it by now, she was really boring) so instead of doing the decent thing and having sex with her, i dropped her off by her car and went to class, which was actually nice.

It's The End Of The
Schoolyear as we know it, and i feel more than fine, after two years of continuos studying without any breaks, i finally can take a break, i will personally accept any ideas for what to do between July 1st and September 20th. (will be explained later why not until October 14th). if you have any ideas, again ([email protected])

The Coolest Party In The World
Is taking place on september 21st, and i am a part of the organizing team. it may sound a tad boring, but wait a minute. it's Shimon Peres' 80th Birthday, well, that's nothing, but the guest list has people like Stephan Speilberg, Woody Allen, Mick Jagger, Quincy Jones, Bill Clinton and others, and i am partially in charge of some of the production, so people ~ ~ ~ this will be the party of the year, think about the people, not the subject.

Mental Notes:
(1) Daphna - Good to see that you are coming back, i really miss you - don't forget to buy me presents....
(2) Zabar - I checked with the "Rishum" and they don't have any results yet, i`ll let you know again next week.
(3) Ronna - this sunday the Mo`adonit is closed, so lemme know if you can come w/me on tuesday.
(4) Schwartz - Make a sound, call, say something. BTW: met your sis and she said you are about to come, is that true?
(5) Oren - we all are holding fingers for you and your family

Love you all,
and don't forget - what you give is what comes back to ya.

Jonathan J. Klinger

May 04, 2003

13.4 לא כל סיפור נגמר טוב

ובמיוחד הסיפור שלי, שלא להיט בכלל, העובדה היא שהיום יום שני, הרביעי במאי ואני לבד, זה אולי כי הייתי יותר מדי נואש, זה אולי כי לא ניסיתי מספיק, וזה אולי כי אני פשוט נועדתי להיות ככה.

אז בעצם מה עשיתי פה לא בסדר? זאת שאלה טובה? האם היה משהו שכן הייתי יכול לעשות בסדר? האם זה הכל? האם ידעתי את כל הנתונים? האם יש עוד שאלות?

בעצם זה נגמר בזה שאני שלחתי לה הודעה שחושפת את הכל, משהו כמו "אז למקרה שלא הבנת, אני מנסה לצאת איתך ואת פשוט יכולה להגיד לא אם את רוצה" ואז גם שלחתי לה משהו כמו "זה לא שאת הבחורה היחידה בעולם, בעצם את היחידה שמעניינת אותי כרגע"

אולי אני גם צריך להסביר את מה שקדם לזה, היו לי שני כרטיסים חינם להופעות בים המלח, והזמנתי אותה לבוא איתי, היא אמרה שאולי היא תבוא, ואז היא בטלה. אני כבר הייתי שיכור לגמרי או משהו כזה אחרי ארוחה עם שמעון פרס, ובאתי הביתה וראיתי את ההודעה שלה, אז החלטתי להגיב, וזה בעצם מסביר הכל.

את הכרטיסים חינם קיבלתי מאח שלי, אחרי ששבוע לפני זה ביקשתי ממנו לזכות בשבילי בכרטיסים לירמי קפלן כדי שאני אוכל להזמין אותה אחרי הפסיכומטרי שלה, אבל לא משנה, באותו יום היא גם הבריזה לי.

ישבנו ביחד שבועיים לפני הפסיכומטרי שלה במועדונית, והיא אמרה שהיא רוצה לקנות נעליים חדשות, אז אמרתי שביום של הפסיכומטרי שלה, אחרי המבחן, אני מזמין אותה לבוא איתי לסיבוב קניות או משהו כזה, היא אמרה שכן. אבל מה, היו לה דברים יותר חשובים לעשות וחברים לראות, אז נותרתי לבד.

היא הרגישה קצת רע על זה שהיא מבריזה לי, אז קבענו לעשות משהו באותו שבוע, זה אפילו היה נשמע כאילו היא מעוניינת לראות אותי, אבל בסוף לא ראיתי אותה, לא נורא.

אני בסך הכל רציתי להזמין אותה לצהרים לאכול משהו ולשמוע על מה יש לה לדבר, אבל מה, היא לא יכלה, היא ברחה ממני, אולי היא פחדה. כנראה היא שמעה עלי שמועות זדוניות.

May 02, 2003

This Week On The Newsletter:
1. Summertime
2. Sex, Drugs and Rockn'Roll
3. Pubes, You say?
4. That Unfortunate Mishap
5. Who Stole All My Clothes?
6. Evil Incorporated
7. End Credits

It Finally hit me, it's summer all over again and people started going to the beach and wear all these awful clothes that reveal all that they ate during the winter months. besides, it's getting a bit hot outside, don't you think? anyways, enough about the weather, let's get to business...

Sex, Drugs and Rockn'Roll
Well, A Lot has happened since the last time i wrote (you ask how does that relate to the subject) one of the most important things (that i am sure you all know) is that Itai was arrested for raping a 10 year old and a 9 year old (s.e.x), I got back to caffeine (d.r.u.g.s) and we started to play more every since Yoav came back and Oran started to have some free time. (R&R) and i would really like to arrange a big jam session sometime in a park or something so we can play loud and late (ever since we moved to the new apartment, we can make much noise, we have Keren sleeping beneath us)

Pubes, You say?
Hopefully, and with the grace of god, I shall be traveling to Denmark next week for a peace conference with Arabs from Jordan, Egypt and Palestine, this will probably be one of the biggest things i'll do this year - actually sign a joint venture peace agreement. so in respect of that, next friday (if I'm there) i want you all to dye your pubes purple. (or you can just say you did, and lie...)

That Unfortunate Mishap
Was lost and i cannot recall what happened that night, so if i hurt any of you people , I'm sorry.

Who Stole All My Clothes?
[This is a personal message to Mr. Guy "Muhadib" Schwartz]
Dear Guy,
Some long weeks have passed since you last called us in the middle of the night to tell us about your interesting real estate business in the united states, tell us about your relations with major porn stars and various celebrities. WE DO MISS YOU. please come over for the summer so we have someone to entertain, this time we won't go to school, promise.... we actually have a hole in our lives. and by the way, you need to meet saar's new girlfriend.

Evil Incorporated
After long discussions with Amir, Saar, Oran and Meir, I've decided that we should establish a company altogether in order to make money and spend it on alcohol and computer games. for that instance i wanted to know what do you think about the following options:
[1] Robbing Banks
[2] Opening up a Pub
[3] Becoming professional hitmen
[4] Starting a computer game company
[5] Starting a Rock band and being real famous

Do let me know.

End Credits

Jonathan J. Klinger