Gan Shula Newsletter

Caution, Contents may be hot.
(1) Life Death and Other Threatening Situations (Summary of the whole newsletter)
(2) Alas, Failure
(3) Party (i) – Avia's Summer?
(4) Party (ii) – Redemption of a Promiscuous Mind
(5) Party (iii) – Reincarnation
(6) Party (iv) – Downfall
(7) Party (v) – Down in a hole
(8) Afterparty – Epilogue
(9) Dialog with God.
(10) what the Faz?

Life Death and Other Threatening Situations.
So, i moved, finally, have a place i can call home, after so many years, my head had rested in a place so calm, so relaxing, so far away from civilization. Summary: (1) Wasn't accepted to the amsterdam conference. nevermind (2) Had a party, lots of people, lost to alcohol, woke up cleaned everything. (3) Pondering regarding the meaning of life. If you want you can read everything…

Alas, Failure
Well, it all started three weeks ago when i sent my application letter to the YiFC, the conference in Amsterdam for 2 weeks. It was supposed to be great, but i'll never know – I was rejected. too bad, well, i can go there sometime else. Anyways, it's always good to be rejected by the best, that's what i say. (all my exes say Yo-Wow).

Party (i) – Avia's Summer?
Well, it was friday, 21:38, and i sat with Saar drinking Absinthe, not knowing what will be in a few hours, and i said "well, no one is coming, it's like Avia's Summer" (the story.). so i thing that i was wrong. in an hour and a half, there were so many people, i just don't remember who was and what was. i'll explain…

Party (ii) – Redemption of a Promiscuous Mind
Well, My parents arrived and started to criticize my house. of course, that's obvious, never let your parents into your life. as a wise man said "A parent is not a friend, you should be aware". I put a big tent all over the yard, so that it wouldn't rain on the people. I expected rain, but it didn't come; i don't know whether it is good or bad. while putting up the Tent you could say i learned one thing – "A Chain is only as strong as it's weakest link". but the good thing is the satisfaction of building something yourself. i thought "If you build it, they will come".

(5) Party (iii) – Reincarnation
So i built it, and they did come, by the dozens. "Too many happy faces", i thought to myself, and went for another drink. I'll stop for a short comic relief here to explain something. Well, last saturday i went to the bookstore, and the cashier there was nice (Cashier – Girl who sits at the register in the bookstore, not guy). so i gave her my phone number, and we started to chat via SMS, so i invited her – without any real intention of dating her. nevermind, it's all in the head. So there were a lot of people i thought i hadn't seen in a while, and it was a good feeling.

(6) Party (iv) – Downfall
Well, i took pictures through most of the party, and all of them would be on ILHOST later on this week. through these pictures i realized what had happened – I had been dead drunk. i drank too much and fainted sometime between 00:47 and 01:17, since the picture taken at 00:47 was ok, and the one from 01:17 was full of unclarity. I had thrown up so many times (at least that's what i was told) and i had offered several girls to stay for intercourse (again, that's what i was told).

(7) Party (v) – Down in a hole
At 03:47 i had woken up, only to see my domain tarnished with mud, beer and dead bodies. there were still several people that danced, and i had this sick feeling. some person bit me for no reason (or no known reason) and i had this itch, similar to pain, but not known to me.

(8) Afterparty – Epilogue
Yoav and Ayelet had stayed to sleep. Yoav, promising to wake up at six to surf the waves, woke us up at 10, after sleeping through the morning. we cleaned the house up, had a good time playing music, that's it. i enjoyed it more than i enjoyed the party. isn't it ironic? well, the moral of the story is that you're all invited to come over, just not all at once.

(9) Dialog with God.
During the morning, we cleaned up and removed the tent. in the middle i had this weired feeling, i had started to see yellow stains of everything, all moving, all floating. the yellow stains had gotten over me. that's what i told Ayelet as well. Anyways, started to talk to god somewhere in the middle. he didn't answer. Agnosia at its best.

(10) what the Faz?
Started to write a column for FAZ, ( called 'Notes to the Wall', i'd appreciate if you start to visit and write your comments.

Mixed Feelings,

Jonathan J. Klinger