Gan Shula Newsletter

Contents in the rear view mirror may seem closer than they appear
(i) 10 Years of Struggle
(ii) Purim Party
(iii) School Starts, Again
(poison iv) Recorded Demo
(v) Pictures from the party
(vi) Sex Life?
(vii) Sex on The Beach?
(viii) Regards

10 Years of Struggle
Well, I've been a Vegetarian for around 10 years, and i see that i have not succeeded with making any changes, except in the macro area, just being a veggie, without any experience in ruining labs, freeing animals and etc, so today i have made some decisions. I finally understood how my Vegetarianism stands with my Creed, i don't know if it is in purpose or it isn't it's just that way – i am a vegetarian since i do not believe in using force in order to subject your will on someone/something else. therefore, i have decided that my silent and non violent protest will continue with more publicity, just so that all of you will understand the connection, please read my next article at FAZ (after the one that will be posted tomorrow – since it's already being edited). i'm going to write about the reasons to understand us, the veggies. moreover, i had decided that i'm gradually moving to extreme veganism, since i cannot face the moral and ethical consequences of abusing and applying force on innocent beings.

Purim Party
On other matters, This coming friday i shall hold a party to celebrate Purim, the general theme is addictions. every person is requested to bring whatever he feels that is needed in order to make the party work and to dress as his favorite addiction. the party is "open source" and free of charge.

School Starts, Again
But only on wednesday… yes, that is true, i don't have to go to school till wednesday, i am free (in a relative manner) so i am abusing the time to sit on the beach, surf the internet and, of course, read and write for my seminary assignment. i have to write about the right of the religious right in israel to reject the law when it is in contradiction with their religion. if anyone has some material, let me know – i'm lost, and after reading 1200 pages already (and only writing 15) i got to many conclusions, some of them are very very paranoid. we are dealing with extremists.

Recorded Demo
Got all the studio equipment working in my house and i'm now in the beginning of recording my album, the band (me, myself and i) will be called "The Rest" and we (i) are (am) doing Rock (ahhhm, you may call it melancholic funk if you insist). i recorded a demo to check out the gear at my house, you can find it at:

I hope you like it, it's something i've written a while ago and now i'm looking for people to come and record with me, need people that play on everything and people that sing.

Pictures from the party
Are also to be found at Http:// , i think that you all should look before considering NOT COMING to this party. there will be a camera crew.

Sex Life?
People, i realized the problem i have (or not really) – it's not that i am alone, it's that all of you are either together with someone or looking for being together with someone, that's the whole thing, if you'd just stop it everyone would be happy.

Sex on The Beach?
Well, these sunny days just made me want to go out of the house and get to the beach, so i did, this afternoon (well, i just took off most of my clothes and decided to take a walk, the only problem was that there were too many people on the beach (around 5) so i decided to walk back home and do it another time); anyways, you're more than invited to join me and come over for a swim, it's the most beautiful shore, and all of you know that.

(1) Keren, Ron, Bon Jovi – Happy Birthday
(2) Nelly – Congratulations on getting your email back (?)
(3) Yoav (Shivak) – Good luck with Nezikin.

Anyways, gotta get back to my books

Jonathan J. Klinger