Gan Shula Newsletter

Well, Keeping it short.

University stuff
I always said that being rejected by the best is the way to live (wow to all my exes who are reading right now) so here's a short update from myself… first of all, i was rejected by Oxford and Cambridge, meaning that if i'm not good enough for them, i may be good enough for their places. that's my logic. i'm still waiting to hear from edignburgh, but from day to day i feel that it's a wild goose chase, no real chance getting accepted there. but nevermind. So, well, i got accepted to Haifa Uni for M.A/Ph.D in philosophy; all i have to do is waste one year of my life for an internship and to complete something like 20 hours of courses and afterwartds i can be a fully pledged student there.

Graduation Party
As much as reichmann is prestigious, i think that they will not hold a prom like most B-Type american college movies, so i'm hosting a graduation party this friday at my domain, all incomes are meant to be used to pay for my tuition next year (it's free, but contributions are welcome). as this mail is intended only to my friends and people i can rely on, please let me know how will you help with the party, will you bartend, will you help with something else. what are you bringing et cetera.

It's getting to hot for me in here, please let me know what to do.

Anyways, that's it for today, i have some issues to take care of. I'm sorry (or am i?) for not writing that often, i just have other stuff to do.

Jonathan J. Klinger