Gan Shula Newsletter, Jan 2nd 2005

Well, It was one hell'o a party; Ex-Post, it seems that we bought too much alcohol and too much extras, invested too much in stupid things and skipped doing the most important thing in this whole party business, which is to invite a whole lot of people, more than the ones who came (there were around 60 people who actually came – good for you).

Administrative Decision
As a result of Friday's party, i decided not to hold any more parties for the next year or so, actually – until my 27th birthday. meaning i took into consideration all the things i did until now and the results linked to them; and decided i do not wish to do this any more. therefore i am announcing….

Birthday – 32 Days and Counting.
My Birthday Celebration of this year (03.02.2005) shall be a 2 day festivity; only to be attended by people i love and care, and no more. the schedule shall be revealed at exactly 17.00; 03.02.2005 and not a second before, however, people wishing to attend it (meaning, my friends and dear friends) should confirm their participation and availability until January 20th, 2005. At aproximum, the schedule is as follows:
(1) Dinner, at a restaurant of choice, Not in the Tel-Aviv Area.
(2) Pub, at my discretion, and only at my discretion.
(3) Other Activities to be specified to the attendants and only to them.

Other Stuff
Well, currently sitting at work, doing several things, however, none of them are interesting – so i specify not. really hungry, so i guess i'll be leaving soon to buy lunch and cook something at home.. I don't know…

(1) The recipients of this mail who did not attend the party – Shame on you!!! (And whomever they are, they know)
(2) I Am dead serious about not having any more parties until my 27th birthday, i don't know how to say it, but i am.
(3) If you enjoyed the party, do let me know.
(4) Anyways, Going to eat something soon… Hope that everything is fine with yous.