2 Hrs, 5 Mns, and Counting

"I Used to have nice tits, but then she dumped me"

How stupid is that for a sentence, i ponder, and the answer is "not stupid at all".

Two more hours and then i'm a full adult. I am not worried, i am not overly concerned.

My mom wrote me an email today:

"My son, tomorrow you are 26, i cant avoid thinking where was i when i was 26, well let me tell you, i was playing with you in the sand box on Lamerhav corner Weizmann.
I'm proud of you as a human being, I'm proud of you as my eldest son and as a friend. I loved you very much Jon,
God Bless "

Always thought that i'd be a big star by the time i'm 26. But i guess i was wrong.
So what can i say? Hope that at least I am as loved as i wanted to be.

It's been 5 minutes and i've been listening to Nine inch nails (Focus) and nothing changed, too artistic for me now.

Ta Ta.