Behind Bars

But really behind them. This is how it feels to be in israel 2005. where the police decided to close down all the pubs at eleven o'clock at night.

Well, freedom isn't free. With all the car accidents, robberies, thefts, and killings that happened because of this terrible terrible sin of leaving the bars open after eleven, you have to close them down.

It will only lead people into staying at home, drinking harsher spirts and beating up their significant others. Or it can make a difference. It might do nothing.

I really want to sit at my favorite pub and sip up a drink on a friday night. Can't say that there's anything wrong about it.

It all started when they banned cigs for the teenagers, we says – well, it's good for them (and it was). but now? now they want to take away our freedom, so tonight we march.

Drink up like there is no tomorrow. drink up so that your future will be here.

No actual reason to pay our taxes anymore.