Gan Shula Newsletter (the first)

Well Guys, I Decided To write a newsletter to everyone, wherever they
may be. i`d appreciate it if you'd help me in the graphic design etc. etc.

Well, I was on a trip to the Golan Heights with Amir, Shaya, Itai and
Maya [Not my ex, whether the 16 year old] – Shani Joined later.

We sat in a secluded place with no one around for miles and miles. later people came by and left [it seems that many people know this place, however they all remember it as `no man's land' and left as soon as they saw us. a few people stayed but really far from us, in the first morning we went trekking up the river's stream and had real fun, if felt like old times when we had nothing to worry about.
on friday night, after a day and a half, Shani called me and said that she's in Shantipi and has no way to come and asked me to come and pick her up. well i drove from our camp on the Jordan River (near
the Yehudia) to Ganei Huga (near Beit Shean) to pick her up, fucking 60 km each way. well, a 16 year old girl doesn't comprehend the fact that both of these places are up north but are distant like Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. so never mind, an hour and a half later we were back in camp.

let's move to administration and management:
1. to start a newsletter i need each of you to write a paragraph with a summary of something that happened to you in the last fortnight [two week]
2. images or something [small in size – 10k Each]
3. graphic design etc.
4. news and upcoming events.
5. tell me if i forgot someone's mail

And Now – I wish all of you to leave microsoft's demonic service called Hotmail, in order to do that i offer you all addresses at, or open an account at or something – hotmail is evil. please please please, i already compromised and didn't eat you even that most of you follow that 'I'm stronger than cows i can eat them rule' and others, microsoft is collecting important information regarding you in order to use it when they start their world domination. DEATH TO .NET! DEATH TO MSN, HOTMAIL and others, long live the free code and the free spirit of the human race.

Upcoming Events:
30/5 – Yom Hastudent in my college. Berry Shakarof, Hemi Rudner and
Muki D. beer and stuff.

See you,
Jonathan J. Klinger

– Written Proudly in Netscape Mail –