Gan Shula Newsletter

Hi all again,

Well, i see no one was able to help me in writing the newsletter, so
i`ll do it myself.

This week was hectic, I woke up this sunday and had a long day until
friday morning. _BUT_ i have good news.

MY LIFE GOT BETTER – when i found out the following things
(1) The whole family thing is a conspiracy, there is no actual reason
for living in couples, it's all a conspiracy since noah's arc, do you
think that it really was like that? well you don't really have to be in couples to be complete. think about it, the right family model is not really in couples, there could be quadruples and quintuplets and what ever, and it doesn't really have to be a man and a woman. think about it, please do. this got me thinking and i found out that i don't really need a life mate to be happy.
(2) Microsoft is actually taking over _YOUR_ life (to all the hotmail
subscribers) think about it, if Windows NT stood for new Technology, .NET stands for New EVIL (or as amir says EVILLE) Technology, think about it – they can read your mind, they know your friends and your deepest feelings. leave microsoft.
(3) Student Day – We have our proud student day this thursday, everyone that's in israel is invited to come, it will be fun.
(4) Amir is leaving us soon to the land down under – everyone pitch in some dough so we can buy something
(5) Next week I'm going to lovely italy (on the taxpayer's money) i
don't know how, but never mind. if you need something – (Meir – Pasta
for your girl please notify me
(6) What went on last week – actually nothing. but

Love you all,