Gan Shula Newsletter

Hi Everyone,
first of all, if you got this mail twice it is since I'm trying to send it out to all the registered users of amir's site (Action Item I – Amir, let me know to what email address should i send to make this really work)

Well, i came back from lovely Espana and Germany and i would like to say that:
(1) I have yet to join the mile high club and I'm so bummed regarding it, i was sure that with my number of flight i could have at least done it once in an airplane
(2) all around the world, UGLY PEOPLE DO NOT USE DEODORANT!!!!! and it is soooooooooooooooo bumming if you sit next to one of them on an airplane.
(3) Turn the computer screen upside down : 3w 53\/ol hpoqou
(4) the only reason i think people need girlfriends/boyfriends is to buy them presents when they are away……. NOBODY ASKED ME TO BUY THEM ANYTHING BUT CIGARETTES (Smad did ask for chocolate)

okay, let's go on to my usual babble (and this is where most of you stop reading since I'm not that interesting…..)

(1) Oran invited us all to celebrate something this friday, it's a rave…. something called Mokash (?? – Oran correct me if I'm wrong) and he said that it would be better than infected mushrooms….
(2) Maya (Rosenthal – el nina (there's a ~ above the second n)'s parents are going away and she wanted to have a party or something. (Action item II – Maya, let us know when the party is so we can bring ourselves)
(3) Oran's Birthday is coming – surprise party (oooooops…..) okay, not a surprise party but a party, suggest places etc etc….

(1) Mailen, better known as the resident of my apartment that does not pay rent nor washes dishes (kidding) [any one who didn't get the joke, mailen is meir's girlfriend], is leaving us today to Bat-Yam (better known as thailand) for a month, meaning that any girl who is interested in meir can come to our apartment and do her deeds (on the other hand it means that we all have to make meir feel good)
(2) My school starts again this sunday….. good for me.
(3) I bought a new guitar,everyone is invited to come and play

Jobs and ETC:
everyone that i talked to is invited to send CV of him (or the person he wanted me to check for) and i`ll see what i can do.
Amir – send me how much free hours you have and we can check.

Don't do anal sex, it causes rectal infirmity

Jonathan J. Klinger