Gan Shula Newsletter

Good News/Bad News?
On wednesday night, I was sitting at home with Meir and Chatting on the ICQ with people, when Oran started bleeping me annoyingly on the ICQ asking me to go to a party with him. It was an Infected Mushrooms (but holds the mushrooms) show in Haifa. instinctively i rejected the fine offer since i had to attend class in the morning. suddenly, a balloon popped next to oran's name on the ICQ, meaning that now it is his birthday, and since i knew that no one else would accept his offer, i accepted, just in order to make him happy. apparently, my motives were stupid since it was ONE FUCKING GOOD PARTY!, actually it was DuvDev (Oran – Correct me if I'm wrong) without Erez, but it was still a good show. of course we got there at 02:00 at night, and the show was only until 03:30. after the show oran and I decided that our hunger has to be satisfied and we went to the only place that can satisfy our needs, Nafis. I drove hungry from Haifa to Hertzelia, and we made our impressive entrance to Nafis. at the entrance sat Maya (not my ex, whether Maya Rosenthal) with some friends. they were after a party or something. we sat down and ordered ourselves a big fatut to fit our demand to be fed. Suddenly, there were voices and sounds of stuff breaking, apparently, some mentally challenged people (ARSIM) had started a food fight and ran outside without paying. a big fight began (we didn't take any part of it) and we waited patiently for our food. As our feast arrived to the table we started to eat. i took a bite out of my Fungi Fatut, and saw there were olives inside, i promptly returned my dish and asked for a clean one, They took my plate back and started to make a new one (supposedly). as my new dish arrived i noticed the Saliva look of the Fatut, however, hunger stroke me and i started to eat. after 4 bites neither me nor oran could eat any more. we decided never to come to Nafis again.
Went to Sleep: 06:15
Woke Up: 08:38
Went To Sleep: 08:40
Woke Up: 10:00

Then Came Thursday
Thursday, was a school day, and being such needed a major amount of caffeine. my luck was that i did not have to work on Thursday evening. after a finished my academic duties I went to my apartment and gazed at the television for several hours hoping that i could sleep until the Drum&Bass party that we were going to. around 23:00 Eyal called me and asked my whether i could drop him off at a job interview for a Dance Bar called "Shesek" (which if he starts to play in we all must hear) ; so being the kind man that i am i accepted. I gassed my car and went to Nelly until eyal was ready. while i was at Nelly's Oran called my Cellular and started nagging about going to a different party at the TLV. we gently declined and went off to the Dynamo Dvash. Oran and Fish joined us. around 04:00, again our stomachs had betrayed us and started to remind us of the basic need to feed ourselves. after contemplating for several minutes, a group decision was set. we were going to Nafis. this time i did not order Fatut (have you noticed that Fatut contains the word FAT?).
Came home: 05:42
Went To Sleep: 06:00
Woke up: 09:30

Friday I'm in love?
As I mentioned in my previous correspondence with you, Friday was the day of the party at Maya's, after finishing work around 14:00 i went off with Liran to help Maya clean her house and make it Party Safe. we started to clean (etc etc) and around 19:00 the house was ready. Most of you people attended this party (IF NOT – start to think of good excuses) and it was quite fun. the main point is that Eyal gave a nice set of lounge music and i stayed to clean her house until 03:30. two major bummers – (1) Maya promised me that if i found someone i could have sex in her hot-tub, you can guess that i stayed alone (2) Yet again, alcohol has no effect on me.

And Now for the relevant Matters
Tomorrow, around 15:15 is my first academic lecture, i have to talk in front of 100+ people regarding something. wish me luck
Parties – Please inform us
Amir – Your phone # is wrong, please send me a correct one

Love you all,
[If you know of people that don't want to get my junk, tell me. if you know people who do, tell me too.]

Don't do anal sex, it causes rectal infirmity

Jonathan J. Klinger