Gan Shula Newsletter

Preparing for Field Trip:
Attention Everyone, it goes like this:
>From October 1st to the 7th I am planning the following trip and i wanted anyone who can to attend it,
I need you approval so i can get the proper equipment and set up track and stuff.

The program is like this:
Camping on the Snir River for a few days at a certain point that is a 15 minute hike from the main road, on a river covered with hedgerow and trees so there is shade all day long. the food shall be exclusively dried goods that we will be making on our "Amgazit", we shall purify our own water and make our own food. everyone will bring instruments and play music and create. the main point is to rest ourselves for a week before school starts, and this year the holidays including Rosh-Hashana take place on the Beginning of september, so there would be no one around.
The things that everyone is required to bring are as follows:
(1) Sleeping Bag
(2) Tent (or NOT – if you plan on sleeping with strangers)
(3) 50 NiS for food – I will buy for everyone, so i can keep everyone's diet (not loosing weight, but eating with balance)
(4) Musical Instruments
(5) Good Vibes

I am planning also a small Trek, but this depends if anyone is interested.

Besides that, if anyone is interested in a weekend in amsterdam (around 500$) say so.

News/Bad News
As usual, this week was as bad as the last one, i got a bit sick from going in/out of air-conditioned places, and i had absolutely no sleep until this morning. I NEED A CURE.
as for the news – Schwartz is alive and kicking, although he is not coming to Israel.


Amir – I am looking for you like for 4 days, CALL ME or MAIL ME. i think we found a person that can get you work.
Ron – Sorry i didn't write to you personally for a long time, i just didn't have anything to say. it seems that my life stands still, and its bad.
Ronna – Do find time to meet me this week, please.
Mailen – We're keeping meir in shape so you won't be disappointed when you come back, don't cheat with strange people.
Keren – I Haven't heard what's going on with you, call me or something when you have time.

Love you all, (well, at least the ones that are in touch)

Jonathan J. Klinger