Gan Shula Newsletter

A New Roomate
Well, after a big cockroach problem, Murrr & I have decided to adopt a new pet to our apartment since Mailen's attempts to deport them from our place failed. His name is Tal (Liban) and he should be quite violent. he kept me up most of last night. Meir and Mailen played with him until they wanted to sleep and then freed him to the open fields in our apartment; of course, he decided to sleep in my room on my bed, on my body and on my neck and bite whenever he wanted.

School's Out
Only five more days until my vacations starts, and then it's fun fun fun. i am free until october 13th. we are able to do whatever we want. oh well, i guess i`ll be all by myself now. anyone who wishes to intoxicate himself in this short time may join me in my apartment for a drinking session. please do so since i found out in the last weeks i am very _very_ very bored.

No Soup For You…
Well, the last few weeks were kind of strange, that is why i haven't bugged you that much. i only know it's good to have people to rely on in these strange times. I really think that it is good that i have people that i can write to and discuss everything i have on my mind. the problem is that most of these things cannot be broadcasted at a mass, so i sometimes think that i should be more personal. so i will dedicate the time in the near future to make time for you.

Action Items:
(1) Ronna – I am still waiting for your Curriculum Viate since i wanted to transfer it to several people. please do so in the near time. also i sent you the Epical log with my babbling. i`d like to hear some comments.
(2) Oran – Chill. Relax. Think. There's a time and place for everything.
(3) Meir – FEED THE CAT
(4) Guy – I`ll let you know my dates for the trip, but as it goes right now, there's a problem with arranging meetings with the telco's around september.
(5) Nelly – I Miss you, when are you getting back, call me.
(6) Yoav – Your Trip without communication should be over in the near future, do contact.
Last but not least
(7) Amir – We miss you, tell me what's going on.

Love, Hate and various emotions that make you do stupid stuff;

Jonathan J. Klinger