Gan Shula Newsletter

The Taliban Had Won The War
I can't believe he eats that much, our new cats eats 4 times a day, and he finishes a box of canned meat per day. the only possibility i thought of is that meir ate the canned meat since i don't allow him meat in the house. he is so cute, he plays all day with our shit. well, alls well in the apartment but the mess he is causing (i still cause my mess) and i think he scared all the cockroaches.

The Drugs Don't Work
My last intoxication attempt, this tuesday, was annulled by my mood. i tried to drink, and after a long island (1 shot tequila, one shot vodka, one shot gin, one shot whiskey, one shot rum and some orange juice) and a golden schnapps (cinnamon schnapps with golden leaves) i felt bad. i don't know why, it wasn't alcohol bad, it was the blues. i haven't felt them in a long time. i came home and put 'requiem for a dream' on my divx player and started to stare.

Wrote A Song – Wanna Hear it?
My artistic side got the better of me this week, i wrote some stuff that i felt like writing and composed it. i decided an executive decision that from now on each one of my ex-girlfriends would get a compilation CD with the songs i wrote about her so she'd see what she lost. it sounds like a good idea, all i need now is to record the shit. i would appreciate any assistance.

Yom Kippour
This section is really important, since most of the time i think i am fault proof – i would only do this once. i am asking for forgiveness for the things I've done. and i am willing to forgive everything – yes everything, at the price of redemption. so here it goes, i`ll try to think of the bad deeds I've done, not only in the last year but all along my life. this is the only way I'm sure i can be free from err. so please, forgive me for the things I've done, since I've done most of the unknownfully. and the people who want my forgiveness for things i do not know about, just tell me. i won't get mad. I'm currently at a stage of total relaxation.

Enough Bullshitting for a day,

Love, Hate and all other things you want.

Jonathan J. Klinger