Gan Shula Newsletter

Redemption Songs, Redemption Songs
Tomorrow is Yom Kippur, the holiest of the holy and I'm sure that most of you will be attending some kind of religious ceremony – either playing poker or getting pissed drunk. but i wanted to say a few things to make this easier since i don't know how to explain it. the religious part is actually bullshit but the part between people isn't. the fact is that nobody actually wrote to say he's sorry or to ask my forgiveness. i feel bad about it.

Next week we are having a small gathering of people at my grandparents. i hope that we can bring around a hundred people and have a feast. i plan on free margaritas and twisting by the pool for a day and a half. the proper day and time shall be notified as soon as we find what to do. i hope that you can contribute to the party with your lovely presence. The party is for TWO DAYS and i hope that we can arrange some kind of activity there. PLEASE HELP ME HELP US HAVE FUN.

The Cat is out of the bag.
Tal(iban), our cat had started acting nicely to people for not obvious reason. any cat psychologist is invited to help us. he had done numerous cute things at home and i just can't blame him. Actually, he shit on my guitar case once, but that is all.

I Want to ride my Bicycle
Meir and I had bought bikes and started driving in the open land around. we had a marvelous trip yesterday to the Appolonia reservation and back home. i think about doing a real trek later this month.

We bought a new blender with ice shredder so we can make ice coffee at home. everyone is invited for a cup. Bring your own ice.

(1) Yoav wrote a letter – i am so happy.
(2) Guy – Happy Birthday! Do let us know what you wish to be done for your arrival
(3) Oran – Help ! i need Help for the party.
(4) Meir – Don't forget to feed the cat.
(5) Nelly – I'm coming to visit next week (Sukut) for a day or two. let me know what should i bring
(5) Amir – Happy Birthday!

Don't do anal sex, it causes rectal infirmity.

Jonathan J. Klinger