Gan Shula Newsletter

Good Trip/Bad Trip
After a long long time with no vacation I decided to take myself out with the person I need to know most, meaning myself. I took myself out for a trip to get to know myself better and explore new horizons. In order to get two days off from school and work I had to take extreme measures. I finished working on the big big pile of paper sitting on my table and read all the E-mails in my inbox. I returned calls to everyone who had been looking for me in the last year and I faxed all the papers in the OutBox. and on Saturday october 5th, at 18:00, i closed down my cellphone for 48 hours; making myself totally unavailable to the outside world and letting myself have the freedom to do everything i ever wanted, and to do so _alone_

First Stop – The Cats
I started my vacation with a Cup of Johnnie Walker Red at the Cats, where we met Ayelet and Shiri (Tal's ex) and talked until two in the morning about the "good old times" and reminisced about high school experiences. There is no such things as "Good Old Times"; if there were good times, they would continue until now and we have no apparent reason to stop them! think about it….

Next Up
I took my car and didn't know where i am heading, i just wanted to go somewhere with water. I stopped the the StopMarket on the way and got all i needed, and headed up to the Kinneret, knowing that no one will be there and i can be alone with myself, thinking and relaxing. I got to the Kinneret after 2 smokes and 2 hours, at four thirty in the morning, just in time to set up my tent and wait for the sun to rise.

From Dawn
The sun rose, and i don't know what time it was, and i went for a short swim in the water. I got back in the tent and went to sleep until the sun nagged me again, later… I think it was late noon. I went for another swim when i woke up and afterwards made myself some food.

After Lunch i thought about going somewhere, so i packed my bags, took my car and started to drive. After crossing Arik Bridge, i noticed a side road leading to the Jordan river, I drove down the road until i got to the point where the river meets the sea (or lake). I think it's one of the calmest places i ever saw. I sat down for a drink and a smoke, and i got back on the way.

Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy
I Picked up a soldier on the way (there's the whole 'kidnap a soldier for the way' – חטוף חייל לדרך) and asked him where he needed. I took him home and decided to go to Sfat; I've never been there and i just was curious. On the way up the Meiron mountain i saw a sign – 'Amirim – Vegetarian Hosting' and i decided that this is a great place to meet veggie chicks, so i went in the village.

Coffee To Go
The whole place was really strange, every house had rooms for rent, and i just wanted to sit down in a lobby for coffee; no more, no less. I stopped a stranger along the road and asked where can i drink a cup of coffee. he directed me to the Dalia Restaurant uphill. I Stopped near the restaurant and started to walk along the marked trail. It looked extremely similar to a regular house, only with a sign saying it's a restaurant. the door said "Dalia and Something Cohen" so i knocked and entered. In the kitchen was a lady, around my age, cooking veggie food. I asked her for an explanation about the thing and for a cup of Cafe-Negro (Black Coffee) I sat in their porch, looking at the view and sipping my cup of Coffee.

I continued my journey for myself with myself with a drive to the lebanese border, to Rosh-Hanikra (Rasnakura) and afterwards a drive to Nelly's Kibbutz, to visit her and relax for a while. on the way to the Kibbutz, i took three hitchhikers, around 15 years of age, and with a Scrub personality (in hebrew we say "Frechot") they made me sick and i understood why civilization cannot withstand stupidity. I made it very important to study each and every minute of the trip.

Got To Myself
By the time i got to the Kibbutz, it was already 9 in the evening, and everyone was tired. I went to see Nelly dance and practice. Afterwards we went to sleep. She woke up at 6 in the morning! and she forgot to turn the alarm clock off, so from 8am till 10:30, it kept beeping every 5 minutes (i didn't have the will power to get up and shut it down). I woke up, saw a part of their modern dance lesson, ate lunch with her (She cooks the best veggie burgers ever!) and started to head back home.

Bunny Slippers
I had a feeling i should stop at Kfar Vitkin's mall for a brief look at what's there, so i did. I went in the shoe store and saw Bunny Slippers (Maya – like the kind i always looked for) and asked the clerk whether they have them at size 46? he did not hesitate to say yes!!!! I bought them immediately. i now have my very own Snoopy slippers, they are as big as a real dog, but never mind.

Every Good Thing Comes To An End
And so did my yearly vacation. I had a lot of time with myself and now i can truly say i know what i want and need. being alone really relives you from the aches of reality. I got back to work and school starts again next monday. so i don't really have much time.

Action Items, People
(1) Daphna – I miss you very much, I know you always complain about how i don't write to you and I answer that's it's because i talk to you all the time. so now i haven't spoken to you since you flew (almost to weeks); i only read your email, and actually had no time to reply. so i'll do so soon.
(2) Nelly – big big big big thanks for the hospitality, it was just what i needed after so much time without resting. give a big regard to Noga and let her know that i want to see her work when it's completed. And I'm sorry for the Kitchen-Paper-Holder.
(3) Ronna – Let me know when you plan to come to the Mo`adonit.
(4) Everyone – _Urgent_ – My brother's kindergarten is looking for an english teacher that can come twice a week for an hour or two. so if you have _Perfect_ english (oran – you're out) and you are great with kids, please let me know. this is only to the '150 in the psychometric' club that a large portion of the newsletter's subscribers is a member of (actually only 0.5% of the population is so)
(5) Amir – need to hold a conference call so we can see how can we make money
(6) Oran – if you want us to come to the fucking party (ah – everyone – oran wants us to come to a big party where Infected will play with Barry and Shpongle are playing) let us know (a) where is it (b) how much money (c) who else is coming. this can be done at
(7) Guy – Stay in israel

So, Hasta la proxima semana.

Jonathan J. Klinger