Gan Shula Newsletter

Good Morning Sunshine
I'm Kind of cranky since i woke up at 0700 today, so all this is going to be in a kind of cynic tone. I haven't had a good night sleep from at least when school started. it kinds of bring you down when you absolutely know that nothing can help your mind other than to listen to music which is composed of random noises (such as the last 2-3 tracks on any Porcupine tree CD) currently I'm listen to 'Evil Dildo Radio Station' (you can find them on – i get 0.25$ per click – not really) they have the BEST music in the world, it's Alt.Rock/Acid Jazz/Chillout and i can really be sure that like beer, bandwidth can also be there for me every time i need it.

Well, due to my obligations at work, i got an invitation for a stage-play called 'I Casi Della Fame e Dell'amore' – in english from italian – cases of hunger and love. it's on Tuesday, Oct. 29th at 20:00 and i need a date…. it's in the Susan Delal Centre and i would really appreciate it if any of the girls listed in my mailing list would come with me as a date. I offer the following (1) No sexual orientation whatsoever (2) free cocktail shit at the reception (3) one of the tickets (i think it's worth a lot) (4) My attention for at least 2 hours. the requirements are (1) Good English (italian and german will be of greater value) (2) Knowledge of fine arts (3) Good looks. since this is Kind of urgent, i would appreciate a prompt reply. BTW: It is hosted by the Swiss embassy and all the diplomatic staff would be there.

The Juan J. Klinger Memorial Coffee.
I am happy to introduce a new dish in our school cafeteria, the Jon Klinger coffee. it is the regular slurpy coffee, but with 1 shot of espresso added to each cup for maximum pleasure. critics say it can shorten your life between 5 to 10 days. Prices range from 10nis to 15, depends on who you know…..

Would you do your teacher?
I think one of my TAs (teaching assistants) in school tried to hit on me, we drank coffee together (not my memorial coffee whether the one i made myself yesterday – 6 tsps of coffee, 10 tsps of sugar, 30cc of whiskey and 1 pint of milk, add crushed ice and blend) and i started to intoxicate her, we started talking about my work and etc, and i think she laughed at my un-funny jokes (as Oran always says). the moral question is 'would you do your teacher for a grade' and the answer is no. the problem is that i think that if she flirted with me and i took it seriously then I'm all fucked up. never mind, to be settled…..

The Contest
NO ONE sent me a reply to the contest! no one! and there was a 1000 Nis reward, this means i`ll take my money and fly to Amsterdam in one of the next weekends, if anyone is interested to join me, please do so – i`ll fly on thursday on the 23:30 flight and get back by sunday on the 05:30am flight. costs around 400$; you can buy a ticket at (again 0.25$ per click – I'm going to be rich)

Cocktail at the Embassy, Dinner at Mika
Two weeks ago, in the middle of the garbage worker's strike in Tel-Aviv, i took Ronna with me to have Dinner (as i thought) at the Italian Ambassador's house, i got an invitation to Dinner with the Environmental delegation of the Italian government. we got there and there was no connection to environmental issues whatsoever, and worse – there was no food. i famished myself all day long so i can come to the dinner and eat, and all that was there were little cakes and kishes. afterwards, Ronna and I took ourselves to Dinner at Mika, where i expected to pay much money and satisfy my famine. we ordered Sushi, and other unrecognized items, and went out ever more hungry than we came in! and of course with 130 nis less. mind you – don't go there.

Action Items:
(1) Saar / Daphna – My dad is flying to Thai again, if you need something.
(2) Maya – i got your mail (around 70 times) as for the Spanish part: Bien, comence' el excedente que iba todo de lo que teni'a en mi cabeza y realice' que nada es realmente importante. y para usted – hay una cosa importante en el mundo alli' es actualmente un nuevo asesino serial, y e'l consiguio' cogido, usted no puede conseguir siempre lo que usted desea.
(3) Koch / Oran / Schwartz – please spare some time to have fun!
(4) Keren – Let us know when you find your new apartment.
(5) Amir – spoke to Shaya today, we are meeting to give her all she needs for her visit. too bad pat is flying before shaya is leaving, you could have had your fantasy. BTW: will you stay in touch with Pat? i mean is she planning on coming to israel etc?
(6)Ayelet – Mazal Tov!
(7) Meir and Mailen – mazal tov for the anniversary.

For all of you, Juan Jose Klinger Di Efron signing off to tell you just to have fun and leave me alone….

Jonathan J. Klinger