Gan Shula Newsletter

3 Weeks without Caffeine
Well, It's been 3 weeks without my favorite drug, and it was quite hard, however i can say that now i feel more alive than ever, i started getting my dreams back, and who knows… maybe soon i`ll have a real life or some interest in doing things and not feel numb all day long.

Happy Birthday Maya_Lan
Well, since i have no other way to communicate with you i will state it now: Happy Birthday dear Maya… I wanted to buy you a present and stuff, but i really don't know where to send it. so what we'll do is let you take the 100Nis you owe me (from the night at the Cheers) and go and buy yourself a good beer or something…. and the next time i`ll see you i`ll bring you something real.

Well, I finished my first assignment for this year, civil procedure, and i need to start doing my other tasks, that's why I'm not nagging you as much as i used to… to all of the dear people – there might be a possibility that we will be arranging a jeep trip around hanuka to ease our minds, let me know if you're interested.

The Contest resumes
Since i found out that i still have that spare cash, i decided to keep the prize winning contest going. I think that it could be useful…. PEOPLE PARTICIPATE!!!!!!!!!!

Shopping For Clothes
After a long long time, i decided to go and buy clothes so i can feel new with myself… i ended up buying really cool underwear (microfiber) and some T-Shirts (long sleeve, Gutkes fit) and that's all. the price was really high, but what the heck, i needed this shit. next week i`ll keep spending money on myself.

The End
Yes this time it was short, just a quickie…….

Love you All. (maybe)

Jonathan J. Klinger