Gan Shula Newsletter

This Week On The Newsletter:
Table Of Contents:
(1) Lost Kid
(2) Money4Nothing
(3) Student Appreciation Day
(4) Alcohol and me
(5) Sex in the city/New Apartment?
(8) Contact me!

Where in The World is Carmen Santiago (maybe having sex with Amir)
Has anyone seen, been written by, had sex with or even just heard of Amir Amit? he was last seen in Malvern Australia, and we heard that Shaya, his (Ex-)Girlfriend came to visit. since then, and it was a month ago, no signs of life were given from this person. if anyone sees him please notify his worried parents.

School Newspaper
Well, Shlomit and I are candidates for editing the school newspaper (keep note that i am still calling it school, even though it is really really ultra high school – the academy) and we wanted to start making it more, well i donnu, interesting. so i thought about some subjects that i would like to hear you feedback on:
(1) Me and Shlomps go to eat somewhere (on the newspaper's expense account) and write a review.
(2) Then we go out to a movie (again, same expense account) and review it.
(3) we set people on blind dates, and they have to write about the other person in a real way, meaning things like 'why the hell does he tuck his shirt in' or stuff.
(4) Surveys and shit
(5) Letting students mail us articles and publish them.

It's the National Student Appreciation Day
Well, I Just got a call from my mom, which is in berlin (i had to stay, wanted to study) she is currently having dinner with no other than – – – my tax law teacher. and he said only nice things about me, and called me a talented student (although he is the only teacher which i am able to sleep in his classes since he is so relaxing). I feel good – ta na na na na na na , i know that i would , ta na na na na na na.

Alcohol And Me
It was my parents 25th anniversary, or do we call it a golden shower (no, that's another kind of perversion) they call it the silver wedding. whatever, i bartended alongside Noam (my cousin) and we both managed to get eighty fifty year olds drunk, and also highlights:
(1) Gil, my 14 year old cousin had intoxicated himself for the first time, drank: 1 White Russian, 1 Vodka-RedBull, 1 Margarita (not frozen) and 2 Cups of Punch
(2) I used my rhetoric ability in order to prepare a speech for the entire forum.
(3) Decided that no longer will i drink cheap alcohol.

Sex In The City?
Well, Hertzelia is a city, and we are moving to a new apartment (we're moving on up, to the eastside, to a deluxe apartment in the sky) above Keren (we love you) Dolev, it is a 5 room apartment, and we are only 2 people, so we have 2 free rooms if you want to come over for orgies. we shall call one a Wreck (and not Rec) Room and the other shall be the Gym.

Where has everyone Gone?
Following the disappearance of Amir ('Amiry') Amit, has been a major drop in presence in WWW.ILHOST.COM, meaning that you people are like scavengers, come in once in a while, so we can give you a reward for your money's worth.

Contact Me!
Still want to hear new ideas, and know when and why everyone is coming back!

Love You All (maybe not all of you, but especially you..)
