Gan Shula Newsletter

Feeling Sick
Well – the conclusion of my experience of last night is not to eat chinese any more. We ordered from China-Town yesterday after all of us were hungry, i ate noodles with Tofu and rice, nothing special. after dinner i felt a little sick and went to my room for a short nap. I woke up at 1:35 and went to puke myself in the toilet. after that i went to sleep again, and then woke up at 2:46, puked again, only to go back to the toilet and wake up at 4 in the morning back there. i am now in the library feeling really bad and wishing i would have died last night.

New Apartment
We are looking for a new roommate, to our new big apartment. i attach a qualification questionnaire for it. please fill out and let me know if you are interested. application can be filled and sent to me until january 4th.

Qualification Exam for an additional roommate:
Name:______ Gender:_____ Age:________
FWI: The Rent is 630 US$/Month, and the additional bills will be around 700 Nis/Month. Please take this into consideration.
Have you ever lived outside your parents house? (Y/N)
Did you work to pay for it? (Y/N)
Are you willing to assist in rent and other payments? (Y/N)
If so, in what percentage? ____%
Do you have friends that are not recipients of this newsletter? (Y/N)
If so, Will they be coming to our apartment frequently? (Y/N)
If so, will they be sitting on the couch and smoking marijuana? (Y/N)
If so, do you consider that a bad thing? (Y/N)
Are you interested in being involved in group sex? (Y/N)
If so:
Males: Shall you be bringing your own partners? (Y/N)
Shall you bring additional partners for us? (Y/N)
Females: Shall you be bringing any of your friends? (Y/N)
If So:
Do they spit or swallow? (Spit/Swallow/Gurgle[extra points])
Do they do rim-jobs? (Y/N)
Do they have any VDs? (Y/N)
Will You be assisting with the dishes? (Y/N)
If so, in what portion? (Y/N)
Do you have any recreational equipment? (mark X where needed)
[] Sony Playstation [] Sony Playstation II [] Television [] Nintendo (Model:__) [] Xbox
[] Computer (Spec:________________________________________)
[] Notebook Computer (Spec:________________________________)
[] DVD [] Poker Table [] Pool Table [] Stereo System
[] Ping Pong Table [] Naked Twister rag [] Dolby Digital Equipment
Do you play network games? (Y/N)
What are your four basic food groups? (Mark X where needed)
[] Pizza [] Pasta [] Chinese [] Thai
[] Indian [] Burger [] French [] Junk
Do you play any musical instrument? (Y/N)
If so, will you be bringing it with you? (Y/N)
Do you have any problems with people playing loud music until dawn? (Y/N)

New Car
I got my Smart Car, finally. installed a great stereo, and now i can drive it around the town (when i feel better, i really want to die now, this feels like an hangover, but it isn't it's really really weird.)

School Paper
Well, wish me luck, my interview is tomorrow and i hope not to be sick as hell. I feel REALLY BAD for the first time in over a year. i cannot remember when i felt this bad. i just hope it will pass. i cannot eat, cannot drink anything but water

(1) Maya (Rosenthal) – you always say i never write about you. well, here goes – I wish you luck in your driver's test.
(2) Maya (Lan) – Miss you. write some more…. I`ll be in europe in Mid-Jan, shall you be in london?
(3) Amir – Come back soon, we shall leave a space in our room (same for schwartz)

That's it,
It was a short one,