Gan Shula Newsletter

Table Of Contents:

(1) The Party
(1a) The Date for The Party and the problem with her
(2) The Flight
(3) The Long Train
(4) The Fun
(5) The Long Train Back
(6) The Flight Back
(7) Time Of The Season

The Party
Well, two weeks ago i got a call from my mom saying that she's having a party for Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, and that I (+date) am invited. i must say it was such a cool party, there were so many celebrities and politicians. and we got an article in the newspaper about it (as well as an item in Guy P.e.n.i.s.

The Date for The Party and the problem with her
Since i needed someone to come to the party with me, and i am still by myself, i called up Shlomit (from school) which is kind of a smart and good looking girl, which is what most people will find attractive. i on the other hand, like her very much, but am not attracted to her. So i took Shlomps with me, and my parents really liked her (they thought she was my Girlfriend or something) but that wasn't the problem, the problem is that my grandma (which is kind of in a pressure for great-grandkids) asked me something like "Shlomit is such a nice girl, why don't you date her", and when i tried telling her I'm not attracted to her she didn't get it. but nevermind, Shlomps totally fell in love with Guy and Tal, my young brothers and wants to adopt them. i offered them to her for free. so anyways, when I'm flying to london with Tal (in a month, for two weeks) she might join us, that's good for me, i won't be alone. but i donnu. guess i just have no point

The Flight
Thursday, a week ago, i get a call in the morning (right after the party) asking me whether i want to stay the weekend in frankfurt or not (i had to be there friday morning anyway for a client) and i thought about it. i said "why the hell not" and departed to Frankfurt with one thought on my mind, to take a weekend in Amsterdam, relax and party. my flight left on friday 4am, meaning i didn't sleep on thursday and was dead on friday's meetings.

The Long Train
After fighting with myself in order to be awake, i took the 1715 train from frankfurt to amsterdam, the only problem was that in order to get back to my sunday morning flight on time, i have to take the train back on saturday evening, and be back by 2300 in frankfurt, while my flight leaves on 11:15 – meaning 12 more hours to spend. i went on the train and couldn't sleep, too much caffeine….. the air condition in the train was broken, so i sweated all the way to amsterdam, and passed half the time in conversation with elderly men and random terrorists. when we crossed the Netherlands border, passport control went on the train and asked for our passports – well, that's not a big deal, but the problem is that the two people behind me were arabs, and spoke arabic to the guy, and when i took out my passport he said "Ma Nishma" in order to be nice, but he didn't realize the mistake he had made. from that point on i feared for my life, i couldn't go and run, and i couldn't sleep. so i stayed awake and tried not to look at them. from that point onward, everything sounded like "Jihad Jihad" to me, i was so afraid. and then they went off the train in Utrecht.

The Fun
Got out of the train in amsterdam central, Smoked a lot of White Widow, talked with nice people, that's about it i think… no sleep, not too much food. nothing big, my conclusion – Don't go to amsterdam alone, it's a waste of time when you can get back to israel and stay in your bed. [please note the attached picture]

The Train Back
Actually had air conditioning, but that wasn't the fun part. i sat down in the "Non-Non-Smoking" cabin so i was with some other tourists, and had who to talk to, met some people, had some fun, didn't sleep, couldn't sleep. i got to Frankfurt central around 23:00 and didn't have where to sleep (the hotel in the airport is 200Euro/night) no i stayed up most of the time chatting in the iCQ with people, the remaining time was spend on benches, trying to fall asleep. around 0600 i got out of my bench and looked for where to have breakfast. couldn't eat. waited for my flight.

The Flight Back
I was seated between two people – one who snored and the other puked all the way, so i was really sick, but all was okay, i landed in Ben-Gurion at 1550 and drove straight to the Mo`adonit, to teach.
