Gan Shula Newsletter

Table Of Contents (my table is out of context)
(1) Sex Outside The City
(2) 7/8
(3) Formalities, People?
(4) Narcotics Seminar
(5) Party NE1
(6) G.Z and his Tact
(7) Happiness In Slavery
(8) I-A W/S
(9) Advertisement, People, Need to make a few $$$
(10) Politics
(11) And Now For Something Completely Different

Sex outside the city
None this week actually, or anytime in the near future, but nevermind; that's not the point. the point is that on July 10th i shall be departing to London for a couple of weeks, so if any of you plan to be there between July 10th and 24th, do let me know, i will have some facilities (I'm flying partially for work and partially for pleasure) like an office, hotel room and etc. the whole problem is that i need to baby-sit my kid brother while I'm there, so if any of you have any ideas as regarding what to do with an 11 year old in london (thought of taking him to brixton and letting him smoke, but that's too mean) that does not include alcohol and/or narcotics and/or staying up until late, let me know.


Had a great day yesterday, it began around noon time when i woke up (yes, i had the privilege to wake up around noon!!!!) and started to study for my test (which was today), after about 2-3 hours, i went to my parents house to see Guy, my kid brother (5 yrs old) which was kind of sick the day before, and to print out 50 more pages for the test. afterwards i went to the Mo`adonit and from there i took Anat and went to "Shvua Hasefer" where Nelly works. anyways, that's not my point, so the point is that i wrote a song the day before yesterday in 7/8, the chords are kind of complex, but i want to record it, it's really somewhat of a very complicated song with a very simple feel to it, so i need as much of you people as possible to put yourselves in.

Formalities, People?
After functioning as a human typewriter in school for more than 2.5 years, i finally got my accreditation, in one of our courses, the Lecturer said "Please note that the material for the test is Jonathan's Notebook" of course, she got my name wrong, i wanted to kill her. but i wouldn't do so, it is kind of illegal.

Narcotics Seminar
Well, my last test is on July 1st, and my flight is only on July 10th, meaning that there are 9 days in between to celebrate, what do we have to celebrate you ask? well, both Koch and Saar have birthdays, and i believe that at least Koch will be in the same position as me, that's why I'm inviting people for a Narcotics seminar to be held from 1/7/3 to 9/7/3, place is yet unknown. purpose – to forget we had school. what do we need? Beers, Vodka, Coffee, etc. I'd rather we do it outside (See George Michael's song) but nevermind, you decide.

Party, NE1?
Well, it's summertime, and we need to start producing parties, going out and stuff, mind you, the time is 23:39 and i am at home writing this log instead of drinking. Saar + Koch, it's your birthdays, don't expect a surprise party.

G.Z and his Tact
Extracted from Guy Zabar's letter to his friends:
"jhon:realy hapy 4 u ,start masterbating intensivly – thats the next step( tray it with alcohol it helps)"
[for those of us who did not understand, i used an electronic decrypter and got the following result]
"John: Really happy for you, start masturbating intensively – that's the next step (try it with alcohol – it helps"
Guy – Please note, that inspite the fact that i am happy, and that i love you very much, i would like to you to refer to the following Errs (not only the grammar and/or spelling!)
(1) My name is Jonathan, that is my birthname, if you want it shorter, you can call me Jon, if you want to nick me, you can use any nick you want. John with an "H" is Johan, but even if that was my name it was still misspelled.
(2) When you write things that concern personal acts within one's bedroom – either sex or masturbation, please try to send it as a personal message and not as one addressed to various people, including (but not only) your ex-girlfriend, your friends (who do not know me), your brother (who knows me for more than 23 years) and other people who know me.
(3) One of the most important courses that i will sign you up once you get to College is "Cryptography" so you can understand what do i have to undergo in order to understand what you wanted.
(4) Masturbating with alcohol is a big pain, you should know, some of your shampoos contained some.
(5) All is done with real love, you know how much i love and care for you and consider you as a best friend. however, i was quite upset.

Happiness in Slavery
I think it says it all, but in case you didn't get it – when you are so busy and don't have time for yourself, i think you could be happier. that's the false happiness in life, after continuing with the meditation, i got to my real happiness, and it was afterwards followed by the much needed sadness.

(Inter Active Web Site) – I want to put up a web site with everyone's shit, meaning, please people, help me. i write my newsletter, but i know you all have what to rant on and who to diss, i want a big site that people can post to. (I have the hosting, that's not the problem)

Advertisement, People, need to make a few $$$
My favorite station currently is called "Super Slut Radio" and has some of the best music available on the web, you can tune in with your winamp at please do!
