Gan Shula Newsletter

(1) Is Immortal
(2) Is everything
(3) Is The reason to wake up in the morning
(4) The Next Day
(5) The Question
(6) Credits

Is Immortal
Well, at least i hope i am, cause tomorrow morning i`ll find out whether i`m going to Guinea in Africa or not, and if so i hope i`m bullet proof. how did it all start, you ponder? well, they freed Liberia (not Lybia) from the Martial Law it was under and now they are setting up a modern state, and now they are looking for importers of Diamonds and to buy electronic equipment, so i donnu, i guess i volunteered to come there.

Is Everything
To pour some content in my life, the School year started yesterday, and of course, i went to my old high school for a little political propaganda on the first day of school. so i got up at 6 o'clock in the morning just to get to school at 07:30 and find out that all the pupils come 5 minutes before the ring and that i can't actually reach them. got some political propaganda done, and went on to work, the fun part was when i came again at 12:30 and met a few of my old high school teachers, so i saw that 8 years had passed, and they are still with their petite lives and i am all grown up to look down on them (or to admire them for their ability to stand for 10 years in front of classes)

Is The Reason To Wake Up In The Morning
Short story, that will be followed by a long introduction: Friday, 11:00, my phone rings, it's Ronna, she says she's lost and can't find what to buy for her B-F, i get out of bed and decide to help. Quick_Shower; no shave, soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Tofu Sandwich, OJ; picking her up from Kfar saba. on the way my dear mother calls and asks me if i know about any good parties tonight; i gasp; i ask why, and she acquaints me with a friend that she met at the hairdresser that wants to go to a party; i sigh. i feel flattered and agree to call her that night, just a second before i find out some scary facts: (a) she is 29 (b) she is currently working on her M.Sc of organizational behavior (c) she is 29/// I call her at 21:15 and start to ask whether she is busy or not, she's busy! good….. she said she will call back. (first option for a quick exit). she calls. we schedule for the next day.

The Next Day
We Agree to meet at 21:10 at the Yam Bar in hertzelia, and agree that the first to be there will call the other; prisoner's dilemma; i stop on the way for cash and rob a liqueur store (or just put my card in the ATM) withdraw a 100 bill, and continue. 21:07, my phone rings, i`m already out of my car and on the way to the pub. i stare at the gate, and there she was, not so bad looking, but not my style.

The Question
The first question that was raised was "what is your purpose in life?" and "why do you wake up in the morning?" both of them were responded poorly and i felt that it wasn't it, i could have cut at that moment. but no, i had to be nice, she's a friend of my mom and stuff. after 2 hours of blabbing, i escorted her to her car and drove off for my cup of beer.

(1) Anyone coming to the Achziv fest? contact Ayelet for the ticket ordering.
(2) Ron – have a great time in Ireland, do not forget to bring me a whole lot of love
(3) People – start using Zilzul

Jonathan J. Klinger