Gan Shula Newsletter

Words of Wisdom
(1) Sand In The Hourglass
(2) WhatToDo?
(3) Back2School
(4) Kill Quentin
(5) Coast2Coaster
(6) All Your Base Are Belong To Us
(7) Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
(8) By The Way
(9) Toilet
(10) 22:35
(11) Next Week?
(12) Things I'll Never Say

Sand In The Hourglass
As you all know, the elections are finally over, and i have some more sand in my hourglass, as i met some lovely people and got to know some things that i didn't know about myself. In the final week of the elections we got to work about 20 Hours a day, but nevermind, it was with good people, and i got to have a joyful time.

As now i have more sand in my hourglass, i thought i would be able to do more things, however, that was a big mistake, since i had to get back to work, meaning that the first portion of my day is now taken by the activities regarding Telecom, and my other parts are dedicated to School and the other festivities include (but not only :-/) alcohol, music (and of course, note what's missing…)

Or was school back into me? well, most of the courses i took looked familiar, was it because i had already taken them under different names? what's the big difference between "Public Policy and Decision Making" and "Decision Making under Public Policies"?? don't know, expect a round 100 in that again. however, backing up to school was quite an experience, i got another course with Lior (my Dr.) that involves Sex, Literature and Psychoanalisys (and of course LAW); well, that was good. and i got to have again more time to see more movies, having such a big part of my day in front of a computer, using only my hands and ears and not my eyes. i've decided to abuse every free resource in my body (and my computer) to see as many movies as i can this semester…

Kill Quentin
The first movie i saw this week was "Kill Bill", which S**ked big time, i thought that he at least spent half of the last 4 years on the plot. well, he didn't and the movie was filled with CGi effects, but no story. Same for Bad Boys II – but in 2:30 instead of 1:45, and with funnier jokes; the big surprise of this week was Freddy Vs. Jason, which i saw muted, and sucked big time.

Woke up this friday, was 07:30, got an SMS from my Mom (in Paris); she said that my kid brother (Dor) was kinda upset and had gotten "Shabat" for something and was not going to Commanding Course; i had to attend a Birth party (new girl) of someone from work, and then go there, got out of bed and bathed. took my car and headed towards tel aviv in traffic. got to the hotel where the party was at, had 3 coffees (1 Instant, 1 Espresso and 1 Cappuccino) and then went out without ppl noticing to my parents house. changed cars and went to pick Zabar to join me on this ride, as i promised to take him to his G/F l8r on that day, instead of taking the train. got to my parents' house by 11 and took the Car, heading to his settlement. got to his house and waiting till he came with the person that sold him his new bike, which we had to take to Modi'in. we took the person to Modi'in and on the way Guy haggled the price of the Accessories he had to buy from. we got to his house and Guy went up to take the things, promising him he will pay him later. we headed to Be'er Sheva and then to my brother's base, while all the way i was nagged by both my parents (separately) and my grandmother, wishing to know what is up with Dor. after driving about 3 Hours, we got to the Egyptian border, and from there headed to his base.

All Your Base Are Belong To Us
We finally got there, and we couldn't get in – but more important, NO ONE KNEW WHERE HE WAS!. i was getting worried, but after some treats offered to the Soldier at the Entrance and other things, we found him and took him to a short walk, where we explained the way of life, and how it F**ks you up big time when you least expect it. we gave him his treats and headed back to the Center, from there heading up north.

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Guy decided it would be best if we took the road parallel to the Gaza strip and connect to the main road near Ashkelon instead of Be'er Sheva; Being such a peasant in these matters, i agreed. I noticed we were short in Gas, but i figured that there would be some stations on the way. 50 Km later, the Gas light turned on and i realized that not only we were going twice the legal speed (180 Km/Hr) we were REALLY short in gas and won't be able to make it anywhere, while we would be stuck there forever, since NO ONE GOES THIS WAY!. after going 50 Km more, we found a gas station; you know how it is in the real world, where the Diesel is discounted by 70 – 90 Agorot for each liter, well, down there it wasn't, and i found myself paying 300Nis for 80 Liters of Diesel. but it was okay, we were able to make it up to Guy's girlfriend's Kibbutz, up north.

By The Way
I really needed to piss, and the odometer was around 700Km from our start point. we stopped to Pick Daphna up with us, so i would have company when i go back from the Kibbutz (1Hr from Glilot). i forgot about it. When we reached the interchange at Zichron, i really needed to piss, but nevermind. we got to Ayelet (Guy's G/F) around 19:40, which was 40 Minutes after picking Daphna up, and had dinner. Of course i had to question her parents regarding all the food cause of my vegetarianism and stuff, but nevermind. then we sat for Coffee (hadn't had coffee since guy and i stopped in a gas station at 14:30, so it was much needed), went out for a smoke with Daphna and then.

Not in the entire history of mankind was an exit of fluids from the human body so fulfilling, i had not attended the ritual of Pissing since 08:00 and this was relieving. nevermind, we headed back home.

It took us exactly 35 Mins to drive back (please note the incredible speeds of that day and mind that i attempted not to break any law) and i went to take a long bath, then Pizza meter, and the the Satchmo, a regular friday if you forget the fact that i drove a 1000Km that day.

Next Week?
I`m off to Berlin, from wednesday till monday, hope to have a good time, if any one wants to join, the hotel is on me…

Things I'll Never Say
(1) Ron – are you back here? if so, ring….
(2) Sharon – hope you enjoy it in NZ for the meanwhile, be in touch
(3) Lem – Wanted to visit you when i was in Be'er Sheva, didn't answer, let me know if you're alive


Jonathan J. Klinger