Gan Shula Newsletter

Appendix A: Table of Contents:
(1) The Return of Sarcasm, Coffee II
(2) Geneva Accord – The Full Report
(3) Geneva Accord – How i Got There
(4) Thoughts,
(5) Afterthoughts
(6) Short one, ain't it?

The Return of Sarcasm, Coffee II
"When Europeans Make Espresso, they just put filter coffee in a small cup, when i make filter coffee, I just put a whole lot of espresso in a big cup".
Think about it, and do what you will

Geneva Accord – The Full Report
Well, I got to Geneva for the whole signing of the peace "treaty" that isn't really a treaty, it was great. I think that most of you guys heard about it, at least in brief, so i won't talk about the ceremony itself, just what i thought about it. Well, Nevermind…..
It began with rough security that reminds me the way the shopping mall is secured, just that this was done by the local police. after i got in without being on the list (i was on the list, just not their list) and convening them that i am invited (though i was) i got through security, whilst others who were not let in stayed and protested by singing "Shalom Peace Salam" outside and drumming. (i actually thought of joining them since it looked promising, where there is a protest and communication, there is a possibility for exposure).

Geneva Accord – How i Got There
Well, I will spare you the long and boring description of who i had to talk to and what i had to do in order to get an invitation. i just have to thank Hadas for her effort in getting me on the list. But the whole thing went kinda strange. on sunday, after reading all the news around and talking with several people, i got to the airport, only to understand that i am on the same flight as the Meretz delegation for Berlin. well, it's the first time i really had someone to entertain me during a flight, so Yippee! but really, nothing special. I got to Geneva at night, took the bus (their system for payment is stupid?!?!) and got to my hotel, put my things down and went for a beer (10CHF == 30Nis for a pint of Guinness, can you believe it?) the next day i succeeded in:
(a) Breaking the strap of my Omega watch
(b) Ignore the basic needs like food and toilet
(c) Figure out that the coat i had brought was not needed (it was only +4c outside)
