Gan Shula Newsletter

Follow my way, I might be contagious.
i Miscompassion
ii Hyperactive Powerboy
iii Humanoid and Sugar Free
iv Poisonous?
v Sunburn and the Mysterious Lifeline
vi Preaching to the Choir
vii Moving? Just keep on…
viii The Angels get a better view
ix It's only in my head
x Isn't that the way everybody's got to do?

Deepest sympathies to everyone who, like me, were alone at New Years eve; and moreover, larger lagers for the ones who were with ones who they wish they hadn't been with. May all of us rejoice with the one we concur phantasms on later on in our lives, in the mean while let's all share our miscompassion to each other.

Hyperactive Powerboy
…And before we talk of any repentance, try walking in my shoes (Depeche Mode)
Last friday (actually exactly a week ago) I had the regular friday eve dinner with my family, the only real difference was the fact that Omri, my cousin, had gotten his driver's permit, and needed an accomplice (or should i say accompanying driver). He has this hobby, called SnowBoarding, who he favors, so i was convinced to tag along with him to Mt. Hermon early morning and take part at such activity, I queried my Guy 'Mudad'ib' Schwartz to assist and get a ride, being such an active wintersports man; he agreed. What was set is that we pick Omri up at 05:00 and start our escalation towards Mt. Hermon.

Humanoid and Sugar Free
First things First, we had to go out on friday night, since without the joy of drinking, there is no essence for life. we went to the new 'Temple Bar' located at the Cinema City of Gelilot, in expectance of filling our livers with several percentages of Alcohol. Behind the bar stood Yael, a nice Bartender who also tends at the 'Cats'; I ordered my Guinness (+ Johnny Walker Chaser) and continued on drinking with several other drinks (Hoegarden Grand Cru (330ml, 8.7%), Famous Grouse (50ml, 43%), and a few other freebies from Yael) and we got back home around 01:25.

Sunburn and the Mysterious Lifeline
The time was now half past eight in the morning, we had already finished our long journey to the mountains of the north, arriving to the Hermon Mountain. I had stood in tremendous lines waiting for my gear, which i had to rent, costing me a total of around 400 Nis. but all was well, i had my Snowboard, had my Baggie Jeans and went to the frost. unexpectablly, it was not as cold as i expected, i believe it was around 4c above freezing point, so i stood there, barefoot in the snow, without a coat or jacket, looking at everyone and still having the taste of whisky in my mouth.

The time was 04:17, a mere 30 seconds following my departure from the shower, my phone rang, it was Guy. he had fallen sick from the alcohol consumption of last night, and said that he would not be able to attend the joycefull phantasm of Snowboarding, i had to depart on this journey alone, to assist my clan member with his quest for snow. i shall call this quest "SnowQuest". i had asked Oran, the faithful Thalaron, to take my to Guy's domain, where my Car had rested through the night, and so he did, which rewarded him that night with 1Kg of Baclawe.

Preaching to the Choir
It took me around two hours to understand what am i to do with this vehicle, however, once i got to it, it was all fun and games (except the falls, which i got used to). the ride back was fun as well, but it seems too boring to discuss.

Moving? Just keep on…
Tomorrow i'm finally starting my moving to Cesaria, the first step is painting the house, that should take me half the day. i believe that around feb 3rd (the date of my supposed coming to life) i shall hold a party. Besides that, if you want to come and help, i'd appreciate it.

The Angels get a better view
Maria says she's dying, i say i`m starting my life. Strange thing, my parents were in a vacation at St. Anton's up in Austria, and had dinner with the Princess of Lichtenstein, so my first question was whether she had any daughters my age, the response was yes, so i queried regarding their resentment of eating flesh, which was true. so i`m going there on February sometime (maybe) to meet her, who knows, dating a soon to be Princess may look good on my resume.

It's only in my head
'Do you think that you're were dreaming? i said sometimes i don't know' (Adam Duritz).
Well, i don't know if you noticed or not, but my life is getting more and more hallucigenic; next week there's this Shpongle concert in israel, and i want you all to attend, so we can have lots of fun. I actually see myself living in a very strange fantasy world, it's all like the sky are black and brown, nothing special, it's just the detached feeling from everything. well, the thing was, that Oren asked me what to get me for my Birthday, like every year. this year i had no answer. all the previous years i had three wishes, A Guitar (that after saving money for more than 3 years, i was able to buy), World Peace (which i thing i'm on the right track of getting) and an active Sex Life (which currently i don't know whether i have or not, but i don't think that's exactly what i looked for). I got to the point in my life that i have all the materialistic things i need. Ayelet put it best when she said that the lack of love in my life is only because i have everything else. so i don't know. you just can't have it all. Karma.

Isn't that the way everybody's got to do?
This is the point for personal messages:
(1) Eyal – Mazal tov for the wedding.
(2) Saar – Thanks
(3) Maya_Lan – hope you're having fun, send me pics of everything
(4) Maya_Rosenthal – let me know what's going on in your life
(5) Any one interested in helping in the Moadonit is more than welcome. we need you people.
(6) I am getting rid of a lot of stuff when i`m moving out, let me know if you want something that i have, i might be dismissing it.

Hasta la victoria siempre.

Jonathan J. Klinger