3 Weeks without Caffeine ———————— Well, It's been 3 weeks without my favorite drug, and it was quite hard, however i can say that now i feel more alive ...
Executive Summary: —————— Since most of you are not reading my bullshiting, i'll summarize my points here: (1) Stopped using _any_ chemicals on my body (including c...
Good Morning Sunshine ——————— I'm Kind of cranky since i woke up at 0700 today, so all this is going to be in a kind of cynic tone. I haven't had a good night...
Good Trip/Bad Trip —————— After a long long time with no vacation I decided to take myself out with the person I need to know most, meaning myself. I took myself ou...
Hi Guy —— I would like to begin this week's newsletter to thank the guy that made it all possible, Mr. Guy Schwartz, that without his infatuation to the holy green ($$$ – not the oth...
A New Roomate —————– Well, after a big cockroach problem, Murrr & I have decided to adopt a new pet to our apartment since Mailen's attempts to deport them from...
Beer And The City ——————- Well, i managed to intoxicate myself, you can read the full story at http://www.ilhost.com and comment, but i shall give you the highlight...
Preparing for Field Trip: ————————- Attention Everyone, it goes like this: >From October 1st to the 7th I am planning the following trip and i wanted...