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September 25, 2004

Gan Shula Newsletter, Yom Kippur Edition

תמצאו את זה בבלוג החדש (מוביל לדף חיפוש)

Well, It's 4 and something in the morning and I've been sitting all night watching DiVX movies since there's nothing else to do. I now finally had time to completely see everything i downloaded in the last couple of months that i haven't had time to see. ayways, _Don't download what you don't actually intend to see_, a new thumb rule.

After writing what i said about the Israeli electricity company, i think they decided to get even. i think it all began when i wrote this article saying that generators do not have a budget based pension plan, and they started to make my life miserable. afterwards, they really got me pissed by coming to my house for "suspected illegal usage"; WTF is illegal usage of electricity??? anyways, then, towards the beginning of the year i wrote This post and it didn't take them more than a week to start making my life miserable. as i wrote here they completely ignored my requested and started this electricity on/off game. i put a movie on, see 5-10 minutes, the power's off. I start installing a software, and 5 secs after i click the first next button, poof, the power's out. so i decided to go Viki Knafo Style and strip for electricity.
This is a short sample of what I'm willing to do (Viki sells her movie for 30 Nis, I'm willing to go for 15) in order for you to buy me a generator in order for me to slander as much as i want against the Israeli electricity company. See the preview of course, this is mosaicked; the full and real version will be given against purchasing of my generator.

Next Week
Well, it seems that my Judge is taking a 2 week vacation, and due to the fact that this leaves me with no work to do; i shall be forced to take a few days on leave. therefore, I'm looking for a travel mate to go somewhere with me. possibilities:
Sinai (around 100Euro)
Turkey/Greece (around 250 Euro)
Amsterdam (around 500 Euro)
Please let me know. otherwise, I'll have to stay here and waste my days off by getting wasted.

It was supposed to be Alc Proof. but i guess i found out today that Guinness should not be drank out of the bottle. i was at the supermarket today and bought the 4 Bottles and a glass; and after hating to drink Guinness from the bottle. i understood what this stupid Draught Patent is - you should poor the beer from the bottle to the glass to get a Draught taste. and it does taste that way.

Anyways, ta ta.
Jonathan Joseph Klinger

נכתב על ידי jk ביום\שעה September 25, 2004 05:43 AM
