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October 27, 2004

Gan Shula Newsletter

תמצאו את זה בבלוג החדש (מוביל לדף חיפוש)

You are receiving this Email since Jonathan J. Klinger had thought that
his babbling is of your interest. should you want to stop getting his
babble, do mail him at [email protected] and he will stop
sending you any future mailings, however, doing so will insult him very much

After the last letter was written after the intoxication i underwent in Yom Kippur, i decided to take some time off (well, i didn't have that much time to write anyways). so here goes; this is just to push everything off hand.

I'm currently in the middle of Spanish class, which is terrible - i have a kindergarten teacher trying to teach us Spanish. actually, the entire Sheikh Munis university is not that successful, it's terrible, all too terrible. I think that it could have been better in Haifa (let alone Edinburgh). but, i made my decision at first with a good feeling about it, so i'll give it till the end of the year.

Work is better, i like it- it's really fun to work with no worries. and i think that i could do it till the end of the year. the problem i have is that i don't know what to do after the end of this internship. i don't think i'll be able to work as a lawyer. i despise this profession, made out of people which want to make money out of other people's misery. i have this problem...

Anyways, my sex life is terrible. so is my lovelife; I'm after a drought and i really think that it could have been better if i only had the time. I'm all too busy; so if anyone was upset from me ignoring him or answering the phone with something like "Anything important?"; then i ask for his forgiveness; it would be better to call me after November 15th.

Next week i'm flying off to Malta for the weekend, so i won't have any time then as well; only afterwards. please please please help me and be nice to me afterwards.

I'm really sorry for some ignoring i did to several people this last month, but it was out of several things that got to me - i had some disappointments from people i know and love; i was detached from my family and things; so again - sorry.

Anyways; I have to participate in class...
Please please please give me some time.

נכתב על ידי jk ביום\שעה October 27, 2004 07:33 PM


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