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January 30, 2005

Gan Shula Newsletter, Jan 30th 2005

תמצאו את זה בבלוג החדש (מוביל לדף חיפוש)

So Here goes, the last newsletter for me being 25. 4 more days till i turn 26. seems so terrible, seems so long, seems like I've missed so much these days. well, first things first - I keep needing these reassurances of myself lately, and i don't know why. but i think that it's because of things i had during my childhood. I keep needing to be certain that everything is ok with me, whilst i do not know - it is too strange.

I have to write about it in an epic way, so see my next post later on today about my feelings (www.2jk.org). then everything will be clear, i hope.

My birthday, 26 years, this Thursday. and all i wanted in life is three things: World-Peace, a guitar and an active sexlife. it's been like this for 10 years, and all i have by now is a guitar, which i bought with my own money. therefore, i am announcing (haven't done that in a while, must admit) the: Jonathan J. Klinger birthday charity party.
I've been thinking, and i do not wish to celebrate, i don't know why, i'll just go out and drink by myself, i see no apparent reason to act differently. therefore, each of the persons interested in purchasing a birthday gift for me will buy one that shall advance one of the following issues: either my sex life or world peace. (i do think that both of them are the most important goals ever; therefore it is okay). presents shall be presented at the formal dinner that shall be held this Thursday. (please call for details). NO OTHER PRESENTS SHALL BE ACCEPTED.

Had a great morning. got to work and found out i am doing quite a good job, since my judge's desk is filled with files which i wrote, and i have nothing else to write. waiting for her to come (might take a few more minutes, but it will be soon - 08:37).

Somewhat, somehow, 3 Girls were able to raise my self esteem this weekend; i'll only talk about the 2 virtual ones. Got 2 interesting comments about my online profile (you're welcome to check it out at OkCupid and let me know what you think. anyways, i don't know.

Please call and let me know whether you're coming this Thursday or not.

נכתב על ידי jk ביום\שעה January 30, 2005 08:38 AM

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