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September 08, 2004

Gan Shula Newsletter

תמצאו את זה בבלוג החדש (מוביל לדף חיפוש)

You are receiving this Email since Jonathan J. Klinger had thought that
his babbling is of your interest. should you want to stop getting his
babble, do mail him at [email protected] and he will stop
sending you any future mailings, however, doing so will insult him very much

(1) The Bar
(2) Life or something less of it
(3) New Site, why don't you check it out
(4) Train
(5) Sports
(6) Stupid People

The Bar
Life seems all-so different from the bar, where you see all those little people asking little requests; with no importance, it makes me think that what i did in my life is so much more; that anyone can do more if he pleases. However, it changed my view of the justice system; I understood that justice is blind, not because the people are unbiased, just because they are lazy; and when something is phrased correctly and asked justly, it is received. However, i understood why everyone hates lawyers.
More of my tales in court to come soon.

Life or something less of it
Gaining this new position as a part of the justice system, i lost my life completely. i have no time to go out, no time to get intoxicated and no time to have phun whatsoever, i need to rearrange my sleep hours, since i leave home around 6:30 and get back around 16:30 (in the meantime, until school starts) i thought of starting my SHNATZ and afterwards go out, then get home, get my coffee and leave to work. If _anyone_ wants to come to my house for dinner, drinks or anything else, please do.

New Site, why don't you check it out

that's all you need to know. it's a great site where i put most of my ideas and creations out to the world; instead of taking them out to the light, i take them to the world (in hebrew: "Bimkom lehotzi la'or, ani motzi la'olam"). if you wanna write there or something let me know.

I thought that salvation shall be brought by the israeli rail system; however i failed to understand that in spite of the numerous interactions with people, i cannot achieve my goals in finding a significant other there. most people on the train are different from people on buses, they are busy, working or reading. the others are soldiers which seem quite sleepy. therefore, in conclusion, there is no way for me to have a life (and the requested sex life) in the next year, even though i work only 7 hours and have lots of time to read.

I started to run on the beach (again) and for the first time i could make it for 5 days in a row, I'm supposed to go again in an hour or something, but i might be going out with a friend from the area for an early drink. i could run intoxicated - seems fun.

Stupid People
Court made me interact with various types of people i never thought i'd meet, just like the army. in which is the famous group i dislike allso much, stupid people. stupid people are horrible only because it is not their fault that they are so stupid. - New Contest: Fighting stupidity.

Jonathan Joseph Klinger
Tel : +972-52-3436436
Fax : +972-3-5405697
iCQ : 28586277
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]

Quiquid latine dictum sit,altum viditur

נכתב על ידי jk ביום\שעה September 8, 2004 08:14 PM


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