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September 06, 2004

Reality Revisited

תמצאו את זה בבלוג החדש (מוביל לדף חיפוש)

Pic of me

Reality is revisited by several creations i made:

First, this kid is a photo i took when we went on a tour over the seperation wall; it was almost a year ago, but i think it is still relevant.

Second, this picture of Shlomit is something i did to alter reality.

Third, this is Yuval, which is not altered, but the quality of my webcam is revealed.

Fourth, this poster is an AdBusting of the Peacenow campaign, since i found it funny.

And now for the musical part:

This is a song i recoreded for one of my Exs which never got to hear it, i think it's a good time to publish it

This is a cover of a song which i recorded altogether with Shani which sounds ok, it was recorded live, with no editing, so it's kinda poor in quality.

There's more to come soon....

נכתב על ידי jk ביום\שעה September 6, 2004 09:01 PM

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תמונת המשתמש

September 20, 2004 05:16 PM
לינק ישיר לתגובה זו

It's nice to know that all I need to do in order to see you, is log on to this website.. :)