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November 30, 2004

Gan Shula Newsletter, Nov. 30th 2004

תמצאו את זה בבלוג החדש (מוביל לדף חיפוש)

Terrible, Terrible Day....

Ok, So i'll start from the end and go backwards, it will be funny, i promise.

So it's 2 in the morning and i'm in bed, typing this newsletter, however, something is funny. No, there's no girl next to me, not even close near by. However, one of my left hand fingers can't type.

Why, you ponder? well, that is because i have stitches. My finger was bandaged and stitched around half an hour ago in "Hilel Yafe" Hospital (and i thought that place was only good for terrorist bombings or something, really good and efficient hospital, i do recommend)

Well, I also got a tetanus shot when i was there. Cute nurse, however, after someone saw the inside of your palm, i guess she won't really want to date you. So anyway, i got to the hospital around 1 and left only half an hour later with these damn stitches. Why did i need them, you ask?

Well, i had this really deep cut in my finger. It was from shattered glass. I didn't get any (real)cuts that needed treatment or something since i was a kid; so it's strange. How did this glass get inside my palm, you ask?

Well, I had to put the bars back on the window, and when i pushed to strengthen them, my hand just passed through the shattered window, and my palm was cut. Why did i have to re-strengthen the bars?

Well, after the police left my house, they told me that i really need to put everything in place, so that it would at least look okay, and then i went ahead to fix the bars. And why were the police at my house?

Well, for the first time in ages, i actually called them up. They came. Why?

Well, Someone tore out the bars from my window and shattered the window, but he didn't take anything, that seems strange. and i don't have any _recent_ ex-girlfriends that might be interested in shaving my bunny slippers or something, so i guess i was vandalized.

So now we get back to writing things the right way around.
I have stitches in my hand; they'll stay there for 10 days, meaning i am having this terrible time typing; however, the problem is with my right hand (the one who wasn't injured) since it still doesn't type fast enough as my left hand.

My kittens are okay, and that is important; no one harmed my little precious babies. and i'll be okay, just as soon as i get the window and bars fixed and replaced with some real protection...

Anyways, I need to do some other things; it was fun to take it out of my system.

Just one nag-

Since i'm heavily injured - please come and visit me at home or at my workplace, since i do need the company.

נכתב על ידי jk ביום\שעה November 30, 2004 03:40 PM

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