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April 18, 2005

Gan Shula Newsletter, April 18th, 2005

תמצאו את זה בבלוג החדש (מוביל לדף חיפוש)

Well, I asked my judge yesterday to sign this standard "I can work during passover" form, so i could work during the week where there is no work, and do important things - such as catching up with the files i have to catch up with and studying for the bar exam, but she refused. (i actually read an article today about wrong use of punctuation, and i am quite sure that this falls into the example of an ill phrased sentence).

Ok, so i haven't gotten to the vacation part yet. If i don't have this signed standard form, it mean that i cannot work during passover, therefore, i have a vacation of 10 days (Thursday 21st - May 1st). meaning that any of you that were neglected by me and have a deep need for attention, may ask for an hour or two. I'm willing for anything, as long as it does not involve too much money and i am not coerced to satisfy your sexual needs.

I just love this word, i don't know why, it seems like it falls into place. So, i'm not demented, am it? I have this strange feeling for a long time, maybe because I've started to be narcoleptic, that i need dreams. I haven't dreamt in a long long while. I found myself in bed last night gazing at the ceiling [btw: ceiling is from ceilum, Latin for sky] and thinking when shall i fall asleep. Around 5:35 i got out of bed and went into the shower.

So i got to work, and had this urge to write something, i don't know where. could it be that my creativity is getting back to me? So i took my writer's block and started to type (i seem to amuse myself and myself only with these word games, try to find all the word games in this newsletter and win a surprise). Could it be that i got something back after playing the guitar yesterday? (i had no time and no feeling to play it during the last month or so).

So, I'm having this jam session at my place this Friday, and i hope that all of you will make the time to come. I'd love to see most of you (those of you who i do not wish to see, know it, and are still getting this newsletter only to peck your eyes). The Jam shall be held at my house, this Friday, around 14:00. Please come?

There are none, i guess? i hope that all of you are following my blog (http://2jk.org) and reading whatever i babble there. i know that you should...

Victory is for the revengeful.

נכתב על ידי jk ביום\שעה April 18, 2005 12:37 PM

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