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June 30, 2005

Gan Shula Newsletter, June 30th, 2005

תמצאו את זה בבלוג החדש (מוביל לדף חיפוש)

You are receiving this Email since Jonathan J. Klinger had thought that
his babbling is of your interest. should you want to stop getting his
babble, do mail him at [email protected] and he will stop
sending you any future mailings, however, doing so will insult him very

Strange Day(s)
Well, this week I've been working on moving my apartment and writing this exam in philosophy of science so i had not the time[s] to do whatever i wanted to do. however, they were interesting days. I was quite amused from things happened and surely wasn't able to control my life.

[Partially in Hebrew, so the joke shall be understood]. Yesterday we celebrated the end of the school year with my pupils. One of the teachers, a devoted party member came to me quite happily and asked "תגיד, אתה תוכל להשיג לי ולאישתי סרטים כחולים" and i shivered. The man, around the late 40s, maybe early 50s, a great math teacher, asking me for pornography. Any how? might i was mistaken for a perverted freak??? Then logic (and language) hit me. What he meant was the blue ribbons everyone is putting on their cars and not pornographic movies. The mere thought of the Linguistic nature of our knowledge shocked me again.

Train p1
I slept in Tel-Aviv yesterday, since i had things to do in the apartment before i move there permanently [Tuesday night will be detailed later] And woke up at 5:00 in order to shower, eat something and make the 06:11 train to Haifa. I woke up, ate something and made it to the train station at 06:05. Waited. Patiently. Waited. Around 06:15 they announced that the train will be 10 minutes late; obviously i was mislead to believe them. I waited for another hour till the train came, and ended up at work an hour late. Luckily, It was no big deal, since i had so much work to do that i didn't mind being late. However, lost an hour of work (~17 nis) and got a free train ticket (~20 nis)

Train p2
The train back to Tel-Aviv was crowded as hell will be when Tel-Aviv will burn down in flames. Luckily i found this seat near four women on their path to the "Desert Queen" trip. I sat down, and started to ponder how will i write my exam in philosophy of science [only written today ~09:40] when this elderly couple [~70 years of age] came in the cabin. They had no place to sit and i, surprisingly, was the only one who got up for them. They were quite surprised, not acquainted with this manner (i am not that polite usually, but the tardiness of the train in the morning made me think). After the station in Binyamina some people got up and i had a place to sit with them. We talked, and they were quite interesting. They were like 16 year olds in their naivety. They got this letter inviting them to a presentation about time-shared resorts and they went there. Of course, like any other 70 year old, they were an hour early.

After Monday's court decision regarding the legality of file sharing, I had to go and drink something. I went to the flame to drink since i had some time to pass before i had to rethink several things. Next to me on the bar sat this guy. He was working for the federation of record label as the person in charge of suits against pubs and clubs [evil incarnated]. we had an intelligent, non-violent, discussion about file-sharing and freedom, and i couldn't believe what i heard. my presumptions regarding record labels as greedy objects who will ask you for royalties on the material in your head if they could, had proved right. Think, theoretically, on this machine which will be able to save all your memories on disc. Think of the royalties you'll have to pay for every song you ever heard, any show you ever saw. Everything will be chargeable.

I guess that that's it for the meanwhile. ta ta.

The girls from desert queen, no rights reserved

נכתב על ידי jk ביום\שעה June 30, 2005 10:33 AM


תמונת המשתמש

אח שלו
June 30, 2005 12:43 PM
לינק ישיר לתגובה זו

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